Avatar of ZanyDruid #18961
ZanyDruid #18961
game is crashing(1)Category: Technical SupportMarch-23-2016 9:30 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
play the game for 20 mins then, the game and computer shuts off. Can you let me know what you find thank you.

User defined symbols path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III
2016.03.23 23:33:29.918022800 Diablo III Release (No Assertions) running under Windows 10-64 (Version 10.0.10586)
2016.03.23 23:33:29.919839800 <BUILD> (117826-1449087)</BUILD>
2016.03.23 23:33:29.921213800 Cheats: DISABLED
2016.03.23 23:33:29.922871800 CPU Vendor: AuthenticAMD
2016.03.23 23:33:29.924430800 CPU Details: AMD E2-3800 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics
2016.03.23 23:33:29.925977800 CPU Processors: 1
2016.03.23 23:33:29.927327800 CPU Cores: 4
2016.03.23 23:33:29.928694800 CPU Threads: 4
2016.03.23 23:33:29.930070800 3541.27 MB of total physical memory
2016.03.23 23:33:29.931510800 OS Language: English
2016.03.23 23:33:29.933133800 Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\
2016.03.23 23:33:29.999625800 --- OS memory stats -----
2016.03.23 23:33:30.001237800 Virtual size: 557.18 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.002617800 Total free: 3538.70 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.003976800 Largest free block: 2046.75 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.005385800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2016.03.23 23:33:30.006716800 --- Main memory stats ---
2016.03.23 23:33:30.008040800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.009381800 Total free: 359.72 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.010720800 Largest free block: 359.72 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.012175800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.013523800 Total small free: 41.97 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.014855800 Largest small free block: 41.97 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:30.016211800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2016.03.23 23:33:30.017570800 ----------------------------------------------

2016.03.23 23:33:30.019042800 Command Line: OnlineService.SSO=true -launch -uid diablo3_enus
2016.03.23 23:33:30.021305800 Monitor BPP: 32
2016.03.23 23:33:30.023081800 Lowest monitor BPP: 32
2016.03.23 23:33:30.393857800 Clock freq = 1267156
2016.03.23 23:33:30.396423800 NGDP detected
2016.03.23 23:33:30.398379800 WinSock started successfully!
2016.03.23 23:33:32.731285800 Adjusted initial working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III
2016.03.23 23:33:32.733210800 Detecting first installed locale.
2016.03.23 23:33:32.736044800 Detected: enUS
2016.03.23 23:33:32.930011800 Agent is successfully started or running already.
2016.03.23 23:33:36.707281800 AgentManagerImpl::GetStatus - bResult: 1, StatusCode: 200
2016.03.23 23:33:36.708960800 Agent is not reporting speed - this is a problem.
2016.03.23 23:33:36.710350800 Detecting installed locales:
2016.03.23 23:33:36.711865800 Found: enUS
2016.03.23 23:33:36.764848800 Agent selected locale: enUS
2016.03.23 23:33:36.766570800 FileSystemGetLocale, AgentSettings: 1
2016.03.23 23:33:36.767951800 FileSystemGetLocale, using agent locale: enUS
2016.03.23 23:33:36.769335800 FileSystemGetLocale, returned locale: enUS
2016.03.23 23:33:36.775348800 SNOFilesInitialize('Data_D3', PC, enUS)
2016.03.23 23:33:36.813041800 Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III
2016.03.23 23:33:37.042519800 --- OS memory stats -----
2016.03.23 23:33:37.044185800 Virtual size: 613.20 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.045776800 Total free: 3482.67 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.047225800 Largest free block: 2046.75 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.048599800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2016.03.23 23:33:37.050183800 --- Main memory stats ---
2016.03.23 23:33:37.051717800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.053090800 Total free: 323.57 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.054578800 Largest free block: 321.04 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.056061800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.057477800 Total small free: 29.96 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.059125800 Largest small free block: 29.96 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.060424800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2016.03.23 23:33:37.071885800 No NGDP Manifest key found for 'enUS_CoreData.mpq.hash'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.073573800 SNOFileLoadTextFile: 'Data_D3\Locale\ruRU\declension.txt'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.074988800 No NGDP Manifest key found for 'Data_D3\Locale\ruRU\declension.txt'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.076412800 SNOFileLoadTextFile: 'Data_D3\PC\Misc\banned_names.txt'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.077912800 No NGDP Manifest key found for 'Data_D3\PC\Misc\banned_names.txt'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.079285800 SNOFileLoadTextFile: 'Data_D3\PC\Misc\enUS_banned_names.txt'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.080660800 No NGDP Manifest key found for 'Data_D3\PC\Misc\enUS_banned_names.txt'
2016.03.23 23:33:37.082101800 SNOFilesAsyncInitialize()
2016.03.23 23:33:37.176387800 --- OS memory stats -----
2016.03.23 23:33:37.178086800 Virtual size: 614.45 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.179470800 Total free: 3481.42 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.180809800 Largest free block: 2046.75 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.182117800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2016.03.23 23:33:37.183549800 --- Main memory stats ---
2016.03.23 23:33:37.185019800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.186390800 Total free: 323.56 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.187904800 Largest free block: 321.04 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.189239800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.190589800 Total small free: 29.96 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.191911800 Largest small free block: 29.96 Mb
2016.03.23 23:33:37.193220800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2016.03.23 23:33:37.205808800 Found 185869 assets in the TOC!
2016.03.23 23:33:38.209690800 ParseFileDataToKeyValues - uFileSize: 1335
2016.03.23 23:34:04.299686800 SNOPreload::InitializeForApp submit required SNOs in 15381872us
2016.03.23 23:34:51.237957800 SNOPreload::InitializeForApp in 62320078us
2016.03.23 23:34:51.245854800 GamelessGameGlobalsInit()
2016.03.23 23:34:51.247798800 CGameGlobalsInit()
2016.03.23 23:34:51.249760800 CGameGlobals::Init()
2016.03.23 23:34:51.251556800 Disabling loading screen for 31, 0
2016.03.23 23:34:51.296455800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Startup =====
2016.03.23 23:34:51.630511800 GamesVersion: { string: "0x4ADB0DDB" } UtilitiesVersion: { string: "2.4.0" }
2016.03.23 23:34:51.632825800 ----------------------------------------------
2016.03.23 23:34:51.634801800 OnlineServiceDynamicVersion : DLL Battle.net Aurora 456baf2f18_public/105
2016.03.23 23:34:51.636712800 OnlineServiceStaticVersion : LIB Battle.net Aurora 456baf2f18_public/105
2016.03.23 23:34:51.638557800 ----------------------------------------------
2016.03.23 23:34:51.641799800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Authentication -- CreateAPI Authentication
2016.03.23 23:34:51.654322800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Account -- CreateAPI Account
2016.03.23 23:34:51.656686800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Presence -- CreateAPI Presence
2016.03.23 23:34:51.660021800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Friends -- CreateAPI Friends
2016.03.23 23:34:51.662121800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Party -- CreateAPI Party
2016.03.23 23:34:51.664244800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Chat -- CreateAPI Chat
2016.03.23 23:34:51.666482800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_UserManager -- CreateAPI UserManager
2016.03.23 23:34:51.669881800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Resources -- CreateAPI Resources
2016.03.23 23:34:51.671956800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Games -- CreateAPI Games
2016.03.23 23:34:51.674134800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_LocalStorage -- CreateAPI LocalStorage
2016.03.23 23:34:51.677320800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_ProfanityFilter -- CreateAPI ProfanityFilter
2016.03.23 23:34:51.679523800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Challenge -- CreateAPI Challenge
2016.03.23 23:34:51.681826800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Report -- CreateAPI Report
2016.03.23 23:34:51.683768800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Broadcast -- CreateAPI Broadcast
2016.03.23 23:34:51.686828800 >>> BnetCommon::Platform::APIInitialize_Notification -- CreateAPI Notification
2016.03.23 23:34:51.689597800 REGION[D3]: errcode=0 value=US
2016.03.23 23:34:51.691556800 CONNECTION_STRING[D3]: errcode=0 value=
2016.03.23 23:34:51.694145800 CONNECTION_STRING_US[BNA]: errcode=0 value=us.actual.battle.net
2016.03.23 23:34:51.746407800 Protocol Hash = 0x4D8BA643
2016.03.23 23:34:52.375466800 Build VersionEx: (117826-1449087)
2016.03.23 23:34:52.381491800 Initializing graphics subsystem...
2016.03.23 23:34:52.383754800 dpi = 96 96
2016.03.23 23:34:52.454074800 *************
2016.03.23 23:34:52.455942800 Device supports the following modes:
2016.03.23 23:34:52.490950800 800x600, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.492648800 1024x768, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.493997800 1280x720, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.495325800 1280x1024, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.496646800 1360x768, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.497988800 1366x768, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.499317800 1600x900, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.500864800 1680x1050, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.502396800 1920x1080, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2016.03.23 23:34:52.503908800 End GetValidDisplayModes *************
2016.03.23 23:34:52.505506800 *************
2016.03.23 23:34:52.506975800 Device supports the following texture formats:
2016.03.23 23:34:52.508467800 Usage = 0, Format = 0
2016.03.23 23:34:52.509942800 Usage = 1, Format = 0
2016.03.23 23:34:52.511422800 Usage = 0, Format = 2
2016.03.23 23:34:52.512862800 Usage = 1, Format = 2
2016.03.23 23:34:52.514171800 Usage = 0, Format = 3
2016.03.23 23:34:52.515460800 Usage = 1, Format = 3
2016.03.23 23:34:52.516801800 Usage = 0, Format = 4
2016.03.23 23:34:52.518103800 Usage = 1, Format = 4
2016.03.23 23:34:52.519411800 Usage = 0, Format = 5
2016.03.23 23:34:52.520706800 Usage = 1, Format = 5
2016.03.23 23:34:52.522135800 Usage = 0, Format = 6
2016.03.23 23:34:52.523564800 Usage = 1, Format = 6
2016.03.23 23:34:52.525028800 Usage = 0, Format = 7
2016.03.23 23:34:52.526760800 Usage = 1, Format = 7
2016.03.23 23:34:52.528092800 Usage = 0, Format = 9
2016.03.23 23:34:52.529445800 Usage = 0, Format = 10
2016.03.23 23:34:52.530799800 Usage = 0, Format = 11
2016.03.23 23:34:52.532227800 Usage = 0, Format = 12
2016.03.23 23:34:52.533575800 Usage = 0, Format = 23
2016.03.23 23:34:52.535017800 Usage = 1, Format = 23
2016.03.23 23:34:52.536315800 Usage = 0, Format = 24
2016.03.23 23:34:52.537609800 Usage = 1, Format = 24
2016.03.23 23:34:52.538924800 Usage = 0, Format = 25
2016.03.23 23:34:52.540231800 Usage = 1, Format = 25
2016.03.23 23:34:52.541556800 Usage = 0, Format = 26
2016.03.23 23:34:52.542972800 Usage = 1, Format = 26
2016.03.23 23:34:52.544290800 Usage = 0, Format = 30
2016.03.23 23:34:52.545614800 Usage = 2, Format = 30
2016.03.23 23:34:52.546919800 Usage = 0, Format = 31
2016.03.23 23:34:52.548206800 Usage = 2, Format = 31
2016.03.23 23:34:52.549490800 Usage = 0, Format = 32
2016.03.23 23:34:52.550767800 Usage = 2, Format = 32
2016.03.23 23:34:52.552099800 Usage = 0, Format = 33
2016.03.23 23:34:52.553653800 Usage = 2, Format = 33
2016.03.23 23:34:52.555210800 Usage = 0, Format = 36
2016.03.23 23:34:52.556594800 Usage = 2, Format = 36
2016.03.23 23:34:52.557892800 Usage = 0, Format = 37
2016.03.23 23:34:52.559195800 Usage = 2, Format = 37
2016.03.23 23:34:52.560511800 Usage = 0, Format = 38
2016.03.23 23:34:52.561832800 Usage = 1, Format = 38
2016.03.23 23:34:52.563356800 Usage = 0, Format = 39
2016.03.23 23:34:52.565044800 Usage = 1, Format = 39
2016.03.23 23:34:52.566730800 Usage = 0, Format = 40
2016.03.23 23:34:52.568211800 Usage = 1, Format = 40
2016.03.23 23:34:52.569550800 Usage = 0, Format = 43
2016.03.23 23:34:52.570835800 *************
2016.03.23 23:34:52.667644800 --- OS memory stats -----
2016.03.23 23:34:52.669281800 Virtual size: 751.95 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.670752800 Total free: 3343.92 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.672114800 Largest free block: 2046.75 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.673420800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2016.03.23 23:34:52.674715800 --- Main memory stats ---
2016.03.23 23:34:52.676079800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.677373800 Total free: 208.45 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.678665800 Largest free block: 174.07 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.679959800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.681607800 Total small free: 29.02 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.682959800 Largest small free block: 29.02 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:52.684264800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2016.03.23 23:34:52.695593800 ACTIVATE APP 1 iconic 0
2016.03.23 23:34:52.705773800 Opening Fullscreen Direct3D at 1366x768, 32 bit, 60 Hz.
2016.03.23 23:34:52.707785800 VSync: Disabled
2016.03.23 23:34:52.710261800 ****** Graphics Device Info ******
2016.03.23 23:34:52.712521800 aticfx32.dll
AMD Radeon HD 8200 / R3 Series
2016.03.23 23:34:52.714720800 Driver Version
2016.03.23 23:34:52.716969800 VendorID = 0x1002, DeviceID = 0x9836
2016.03.23 23:34:52.719103800 ****** Graphics Device Caps ******
2016.03.23 23:34:52.721542800 Max Vertex Shader Consts = 256
2016.03.23 23:34:52.723863800 Max Texture Blend Stages = 8
2016.03.23 23:34:52.726178800 Max Tex Dimensions = 16384 x 16384
2016.03.23 23:34:52.728560800 Max SimultaneousTextures = 8
2016.03.23 23:34:52.730959800 Max Streams = 16
2016.03.23 23:34:52.733160800 Max Render Targets = 4
2016.03.23 23:34:52.735134800 Max Active Lights = 8
2016.03.23 23:34:52.736661800 VertexShaderVersion = 3.0
2016.03.23 23:34:52.738458800 PixelShaderVersion = 3.0
2016.03.23 23:34:52.740552800 Supports Gamma Control : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.742440800 Supports Depth Bias : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.744393800 Supports Scissoring : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.746343800 Supports Auto MipMap Generation : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.748067800 Supports Per-Stage Constant Color : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.749687800 Supports Temp Register : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.751441800 Supports Separate Alpha Blend : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.753387800 Supports Frame Buffer Blend Op: TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.755100800 Supports Anisotropic Filtering : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:52.756449800 Supports StretchRect From Textures : TRUE
2016.03.23 23:34:53.463099800 Est. Available Texture Memory = 2259 MB
2016.03.23 23:34:53.464721800 ****** Graphics Query Support ******
2016.03.23 23:34:53.466465800 FRAMEQUERY_EVENT: Yes
2016.03.23 23:34:53.468013800 FRAMEQUERY_BANDWIDTH: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.469724800 FRAMEQUERY_CACHEUTILIZATION: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.471530800 FRAMEQUERY_INTERFACETIMINGS: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.473282800 FRAMEQUERY_PIPELINETIMINGS: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.475108800 FRAMEQUERY_VERTEXSTATS: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.476779800 FRAMEQUERY_VERTEXTIMINGS: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.478184800 FRAMEQUERY_RESOURCEMANAGER: No
2016.03.23 23:34:53.479608800 Direct3D window opened...0D85CFE0
2016.03.23 23:34:53.592475800 HW Class = 4
2016.03.23 23:34:53.601186800 Initializing input subsystem...
2016.03.23 23:34:53.603203800 Initializing sound subsystem...
2016.03.23 23:34:53.634498800 ****** Sound Device Caps ******
2016.03.23 23:34:53.795005800 Found 1 sound drivers:
2016.03.23 23:34:53.806564800 Driver 0: 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
2016.03.23 23:34:53.808167800 Min Freq: 48000, Max Freq: 48000
2016.03.23 23:34:53.809948800 Speaker Mode: Stereo
2016.03.23 23:34:53.811294800 Driver Capabilities:
2016.03.23 23:34:53.812593800 Device can output to 8bit integer PCM.
2016.03.23 23:34:53.813883800 Device can output to 16bit integer PCM.
2016.03.23 23:34:53.815183800 Device can output to 24bit integer PCM.
2016.03.23 23:34:53.816684800 Device can output to 32bit integer PCM.
2016.03.23 23:34:53.818172800 Device can output to 32bit floating point PCM.
2016.03.23 23:34:53.819870800 Selecting driver 0 (Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio))
2016.03.23 23:34:53.821868800 Speaker Mode: Stereo
2016.03.23 23:34:53.823416800 Initializing sound with 32 channels
2016.03.23 23:34:54.141749800 --- OS memory stats -----
2016.03.23 23:34:54.143382800 Virtual size: 995.61 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.144907800 Total free: 3100.26 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.146317800 Largest free block: 2046.75 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.147648800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2016.03.23 23:34:54.148957800 --- Main memory stats ---
2016.03.23 23:34:54.150262800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.151741800 Total free: 208.38 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.153090800 Largest free block: 174.07 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.154457800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.155764800 Total small free: 29.02 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.157062800 Largest small free block: 29.02 Mb
2016.03.23 23:34:54.158417800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2016.03.23 23:34:54.160860800 GameDisposeGames()
2016.03.23 23:34:54.162599800 STARTING Menu
2016.03.23 23:34:54.164097800 CGameGlobalsInit()
2016.03.23 23:34:54.165638800 CGameGlobals::Init()
2016.03.23 23:34:54.167257800 Disabling loading screen for 31, 0
2016.03.23 23:34:55.519653800 SNOPreload::InitializeForGame submit required SNOs in 1321031us
2016.03.23 23:35:07.593970800 SNOPreload::InitializeForGame in 13423771us
2016.03.23 23:35:15.532334800 Setting depth texture, fmt = 36
2016.03.23 23:35:15.550659800 PostFXGfxInit() success
2016.03.23 23:35:15.554502800 SubObjectGfxInit() 1
2016.03.23 23:35:15.747446800 Initializing client world BattleNet_Act1Screen...
2016.03.23 23:35:17.760158800 Disposing UI for World
2016.03.23 23:35:17.770313800 Client Disposed world.
2016.03.23 23:35:17.772154800 Initializing client world BattleNet_MainScreen...
2016.03.23 23:35:19.034104800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_LocalStorage_Internal code=11010
2016.03.23 23:35:19.295657800 EndScene hooked to 6AEE6D50
2016.03.23 23:35:20.450371800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Connect =====
2016.03.23 23:35:20.452969800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Connect =====
2016.03.23 23:35:20.455043800 ===== Battle.net Platform : calling Interface.Connect to Bnet us.actual.battle.net:1119 =====
2016.03.23 23:35:21.198955800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Authentication_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:21.201854800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Challenge_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:21.204349800 >>> Platform::OnConnected_Internal code=0 connId=1 address=us.actual.battle.net port=1119
2016.03.23 23:35:21.208525800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Connected to Battle.net =====
2016.03.23 23:35:21.212088800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Authentication.Logon [SSO] =====
2016.03.23 23:35:21.629944800 >>> BnetService::Authentication::LogonCallback code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:21.688669800 >>> Logon Queue: Queued Position 1 - <1 minute left...
2016.03.23 23:35:21.705303800 >>> AuthenticationListener::OnUpdate code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:23.774537800 >>> AuthenticationListener::OnUpdate code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:23.887681800 >>> AuthenticationListener::OnFinish code=0 battleTag=ZanyDruid#18961
2016.03.23 23:35:24.001540800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Presence_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:24.003240800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Account_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:24.004751800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Resources_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:24.006150800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Report_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:24.007723800 >>> AuthenticationListener::OnListGameAccounts countGameAccounts=1
2016.03.23 23:35:24.009258800 >>> { none: (NONE) } game_account_id { high: 144115192370840627 low: 76582496 }
2016.03.23 23:35:24.536354800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_ProfanityFilter_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:24.827302800 >>> (no hero selected) InvokeAccountLevelInfoUpdated
2016.03.23 23:35:24.829938800 >>> ZanyDruid#18961 BnetRID::GameAccountLogon id={ high: 144115192370840627 low: 76582496 }
2016.03.23 23:35:25.010370800 >>> ZanyDruid#18961 BnetRID::GameAccountLogon_SelectGameAccountCallback code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.127976800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Broadcast_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.129594800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Notification_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.182450800 >>> ZanyDruid#18961 AuthenticationListener::OnGameAccountSelected code=0 gameAccountId=game_account_id { high: 144115192370840627 low: 76582496 }
2016.03.23 23:35:25.297771800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Friends_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.355303800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Games_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.359674800 SendCustom hero:(no hero selected) id:6 count:0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.361718800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Party_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.363447800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_Chat_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.365088800 >>> Platform::CheckAssert_OnAPIInitialized Platform::OnAPIInitialized_UserManager_Internal code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.641050800 >>> BnetRID::GameAccountLogon_OnInitialLoginDataQueuedResponse code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:25.643524800 >>> BnetRID::GameAccountLogon_OnInitialLoginDataQueuedResponse: service_id=838130035 timeout_tick_interval=1800
2016.03.23 23:35:26.109341800 >>> BnetRID::OnInitialLoginData: Expected service_id=838130035 message service_id=838130035
2016.03.23 23:35:26.111144800 >>> BnetRID::OnInitialLoginData code=0
2016.03.23 23:35:26.112842800 MyContentFlags=12703 ServerContentFlags=4294967295 ServerPool=Default
2016.03.23 23:35:26.114652800 >>> BnetRID::OnInitialLoginData: server reported time at logon is 512105703294551000
2016.03.23 23:35:26.141520800 Loading new achievements static data file. hash: D2384B0CC21EE344F9D00BBD54E105FB95377E5AEF9C6F195A5F836572B63081
2016.03.23 23:35:26.145902800 SendCustom hero:(no hero selected) id:16 count:0
2016.03.23 23:35:26.149097800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::JoinPublicChannel D3_GeneralChat joinChatToken=1
2016.03.23 23:35:26.152770800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::JoinPublicChannel D3_Monk joinChatToken=2
2016.03.23 23:35:26.155622800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::JoinPublicChannel D3_Crusader joinChatToken=3
2016.03.23 23:35:26.159548800 SendCustom hero:(no hero selected) id:3 count:0
2016.03.23 23:35:26.162478800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetGames::RefreshFactories calling Games.ListGameFactories page=0 attrs=version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|
2016.03.23 23:35:26.166753800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::ListChannels joinChatToken=1 rate=0.000000 limit=0.476190 capacity=50 bucket=0 capacity=50 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_GeneralChat
2016.03.23 23:35:26.182819800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::ListChannels joinChatToken=2 rate=0.000000 limit=0.476190 capacity=50 bucket=0 capacity=50 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Monk
2016.03.23 23:35:26.239588800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::ListChannels joinChatToken=3 rate=0.000000 limit=0.476190 capacity=50 bucket=0 capacity=50 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Crusader
2016.03.23 23:35:29.699633800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories -- code=0 page=0 results=9 total=9
2016.03.23 23:35:29.701941800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories -- Enumerated 9 game factories.
2016.03.23 23:35:29.704092800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=15615071165138483957 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 0 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.706205800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=17071754906620755852 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 7 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.708500800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=853372934397906716 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 1 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.710941800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=3590885261884964304 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 3 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.712998800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=7915986303367463717 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 4 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.714631800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=14762257544040692254 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 2 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.716347800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=17893142131593394933 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 5 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.718067800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=8987957073750630945 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 6 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.719718800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game factory factoryId=5729459281176079961 attributes=MonsterLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.Tag={ none: (NONE) }|HandicapLevel={ none: (NONE) }|Game.CurrentQuest={ none: (NONE) }|ServerPool={ string: "Default" }|Game.ContentActLicense={ none: (NONE) }|MatchmakingPartition_v2={ int: 8 }|version={ string: "0x4ADB0DDB" }|Game.CurrentAct={ none: (NONE) }|
2016.03.23 23:35:29.721443800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories success -- found 8 standard Coop factories, 1 StarterEdition factories.
2016.03.23 23:35:29.723615800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::ListChannelsCallback joinChatToken=1 capacity=50 bucket=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_GeneralChat found the channel calling JoinChannel 6:256d5cb9c:b267d84600000001
2016.03.23 23:35:29.727075800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetChat::JoinChannel joinChatToken=1 rate=0.000000 limit=0.833333 capacity=50 bucket=0 capacity=50 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_GeneralChat
2016.03.23 23:35:29.755042800 >>> Platform::WaitForBasicInitialized
2016.03.23 23:35:29.756780800 >>> Platform::WaitForBasicInitialized success.
2016.03.23 23:35:29.921203800 --- OS memory stats -----
2016.03.23 23:35:29.922768800 Virtual size: 1235.74 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.924521800 Total free: 2859.13 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.926179800 Largest free block: 2046.75 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.927557800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2016.03.23 23:35:29.929000800 --- Main memory stats ---
2016.03.23 23:35:29.930378800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.931993800 Total free: 144.41 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.933371800 Largest free block: 142.34 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.934768800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.936231800 Total small free: 14.07 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.937642800 Largest small free block: 8.66 Mb
2016.03.23 23:35:29.939106800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2016.03.23 23:35:29.941007800 SendCustom hero:ozzy id:9 count:0
2016.03.23 23:35:30.091264800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::JoinChannelCallback joinChatToken=1 code=0 capacity=50 bucket=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_GeneralChat channelsToJoin=0
2016.03.23 23:35:30.093075800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::ListChannels joinChatToken=2 rate=0.000000 limit=0.476190 capacity=0 bucket=0 capacity=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Monk
2016.03.23 23:35:30.113910800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::InvokeChatJoinedEvent isPublic=1 name=D3_GeneralChat chatId={ D3_GeneralChat #26618 chatChannelId={ high: 432345574274354076 low: 12855481456511680513 } b267d84600000001 }
2016.03.23 23:35:30.199222800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::ListChannels joinChatToken=3 rate=0.000000 limit=0.476190 capacity=0 bucket=0 capacity=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Crusader
2016.03.23 23:35:30.332901800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::ListChannelsCallback joinChatToken=2 capacity=0 bucket=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Monk found the channel calling JoinChannel 6:256d5cb99:80ab14c700000e01
2016.03.23 23:35:30.335910800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::JoinChannel joinChatToken=2 rate=0.000000 limit=0.833333 capacity=0 bucket=0 capacity=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Monk
2016.03.23 23:35:30.391276800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::ListChannelsCallback joinChatToken=3 capacity=0 bucket=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Crusader found the channel calling JoinChannel 6:256d5cb93:8b29541e00001401
2016.03.23 23:35:30.393794800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::JoinChannel joinChatToken=3 rate=0.000000 limit=0.833333 capacity=0 bucket=0 capacity=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Crusader
2016.03.23 23:35:30.509789800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::JoinChannelCallback joinChatToken=2 code=0 capacity=0 bucket=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Monk channelsToJoin=8
2016.03.23 23:35:30.512083800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::InvokeChatJoinedEvent isPublic=1 name=D3_Monk chatId={ D3_Monk #9189 chatChannelId={ high: 432345574274354073 low: 9271527102803348993 } 80ab14c700000e01 }
2016.03.23 23:35:30.626681800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::JoinChannelCallback joinChatToken=3 code=0 capacity=0 bucket=0 originalChannelId=6:0:0 name=D3_Crusader channelsToJoin=8
2016.03.23 23:35:30.629389800 >>> ozzy BnetChat::InvokeChatJoinedEvent isPublic=1 name=D3_Crusader chatId={ D3_Crusader #2562 chatChannelId={ high: 432345574274354067 low: 10027638533142877185 } 8b29541e00001401 }
2016.03.23 23:35:30.633551800 Chat System Message: Welcome to Diablo III! (v2.4.0.36090)
Type /? for a list of available chat commands.

2016.03.23 23:35:32.490701800 Disposing UI for World
2016.03.23 23:35:32.500186800 Client Disposed world.
2016.03.23 23:35:32.501728800 Initializing client world BattleNet_Act2Screen...
2016.03.23 23:35:33.879532800 SendAchievementsMessage hero:ozzy id:102 count:0
2016.03.23 23:35:48.768372800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::SearchForPublicGame params= secondsToSearch=30 gameParams={ ozzy Public COOP StartAtQuest tag=Rift act=OpenWorld snoQuest=-1 SNO_NONE step=-1 handicap=3 } factoryId=7915986303367463717
2016.03.23 23:35:48.770563800 >>> ozzy PartyFindGame::Begin params= secondsToSearch=30 gameParams={ ozzy Public COOP StartAtQuest tag=Rift act=OpenWorld snoQuest=-1 SNO_NONE step=-1 handicap=3 } factoryId=7915986303367463717
2016.03.23 23:35:48.772150800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::LockPartyForReason MATCHMAKER_SEARCHING(2)
2016.03.23 23:35:48.773731800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::SetJoinPermissionPreviousToClose token=1 new=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) old=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) LockPartyForReason_SetAttribute_JoinPermission_PreviousToClose
2016.03.23 23:35:48.775427800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetJoinPermission newPartyJoinPermission=CLOSED(1) reason=MATCHMAKER_SEARCHING(2)
2016.03.23 23:35:48.982527800 >>> ozzy PartyFindGame::FindGameCallback code=0 isQueued=1 gameRequestId=16269940987509441365
2016.03.23 23:35:49.134835800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueEntered requestId=16269940987509441365 requestorId=2:100004433:4908e60 factoryId=7915986303367463717
2016.03.23 23:35:49.136957800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=0 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:35:49.138638800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnQueueEvent ADDED gameRequestId=16269940987509441365 info={ waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000 }
2016.03.23 23:35:49.142117800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetPrivacyLevelCallback code=0 old=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) new=CLOSED(1) reason=MATCHMAKER_SEARCHING(2)
2016.03.23 23:35:49.436948800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=0 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:35:49.588746800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:35:49.590790800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnQueueEvent REMOVED gameRequestId=16269940987509441365 removedCode= (0)
2016.03.23 23:35:49.592954800 >>> ozzy OnMatchmakerStart requestId=16269940987509441365
2016.03.23 23:35:49.594469800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnMatchmakerEvent ADDED gameRequestId=16269940987509441365
2016.03.23 23:35:55.765447800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:02.051799800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:08.395489800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:14.764552800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:21.100084800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:27.407252800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940987509441365 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:27.990570800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CreateGame params={ ozzy Public COOP StartAtQuest tag=Rift act=OpenWorld snoQuest=-1 SNO_NONE step=-1 handicap=3 } coopFactoryId=7915986303367463717
2016.03.23 23:36:28.235178800 >>> ozzy FindGame::EnterGameBase::CancelGameEntryCallback code=0 gameRequestId=16269940987509441365
2016.03.23 23:36:28.238359800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::UnlockPartyForReason MATCHMAKER_SEARCHING(2)
2016.03.23 23:36:28.240143800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetJoinPermission newPartyJoinPermission=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) reason=MATCHMAKER_SEARCHING(2)
2016.03.23 23:36:28.243228800 >>> ozzy FindGame::EnterGameBase::TriggerOnCancelCallback code=0
2016.03.23 23:36:28.244953800 >>> ozzy PartyCreateGame::Begin params={ ozzy Public COOP StartAtQuest tag=Rift act=OpenWorld snoQuest=-1 SNO_NONE step=-1 handicap=3 } coopFactoryId=7915986303367463717
2016.03.23 23:36:28.246344800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::LockPartyForReason CREATING_GAME(0)
2016.03.23 23:36:28.247697800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::SetJoinPermissionPreviousToClose token=2 new=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) old=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) LockPartyForReason_SetAttribute_JoinPermission_PreviousToClose
2016.03.23 23:36:28.249071800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetJoinPermission newPartyJoinPermission=CLOSED(1) reason=CREATING_GAME(0)
2016.03.23 23:36:28.253419800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueExit requestId=16269940987509441365 code=25017
2016.03.23 23:36:28.255855800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnQueueEvent REMOVED gameRequestId=16269940987509441365 removedCode= (25017)
2016.03.23 23:36:28.257712800 >>> ozzy OnMatchmakerEnd requestId=16269940987509441365 code=25017
2016.03.23 23:36:28.259677800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnMatchmakerEvent REMOVED gameRequestId=16269940987509441365 removedCode= (25017)
2016.03.23 23:36:28.522202800 >>> ozzy PartyCreateGame::CreateGameCallback code=0 isQueued=1 gameRequestId=16269940988668715609
2016.03.23 23:36:28.621908800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueEntered requestId=16269940988668715609 requestorId=2:100004433:4908e60 factoryId=7915986303367463717
2016.03.23 23:36:28.623669800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940988668715609 isMatchmaking=0 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:28.625125800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnQueueEvent ADDED gameRequestId=16269940988668715609 info={ waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000 }
2016.03.23 23:36:33.776922800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940988668715609 isMatchmaking=0 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:33.883477800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueUpdate requestId=16269940988668715609 isMatchmaking=1 reason=0 waitAvgSeconds=2 waitStdDevSeconds=0.000000
2016.03.23 23:36:33.886703800 >>> ozzy OnMatchmakerStart requestId=16269940988668715609
2016.03.23 23:36:33.889681800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnMatchmakerEvent ADDED gameRequestId=16269940988668715609
2016.03.23 23:36:34.041692800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnQueueExit requestId=16269940988668715609 code=0
2016.03.23 23:36:34.044879800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnQueueEvent REMOVED gameRequestId=16269940988668715609 removedCode= (0)
2016.03.23 23:36:34.048469800 >>> ozzy OnMatchmakerEnd requestId=16269940988668715609 code=0
2016.03.23 23:36:34.051346800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::InvokeOnMatchmakerEvent REMOVED gameRequestId=16269940988668715609 removedCode= (0)
2016.03.23 23:36:34.363786800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnEnteredGame code=0 info={ requestId=16269940988668715609 gameHandle=game_handle { factoryId: 7915986303367463717 game_id: { high: 432345578569321365 low: 14097055930832497570 } } created=1 hostname= port=1119 token=13251580309363609901 attr=SGameId={ int: -1105461215 }|GameCreateParams={ message: <45 bytes> }| }
2016.03.23 23:36:34.366109800 >>> ozzy PartyCreateGame::InvokeOnEnteredGame requestId=16269940988668715609 token=13251580309363609901 SGameId={ int: -1105461215 }|GameCreateParams={ message: <45 bytes> }|
2016.03.23 23:36:34.368733800 >>> ozzy GameSession::ConnectToGameServer Joining 'ozzy' game at idSGame=-1105461215 (0xbe1c0021) heroId={ high: 0 low: 74439445 } authToken=13251580309363609901
2016.03.23 23:36:34.374867800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::UnlockPartyForReason CREATING_GAME(0)
2016.03.23 23:36:34.377206800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetJoinPermission newPartyJoinPermission=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) reason=CREATING_GAME(0)
2016.03.23 23:36:34.382859800 >>> ozzy CreateGame::EnterGameBase::Complete code=0
2016.03.23 23:36:34.425816800 GameDisposeGames()
2016.03.23 23:36:34.428240800 ENDING GAME
2016.03.23 23:36:34.438794800 Disposing UI for World
2016.03.23 23:36:34.452969800 Client Disposed world.
2016.03.23 23:36:35.977928800 Disposing UI root!
2016.03.23 23:36:38.090992800 STARTING NETWORK CLIENT GAME
2016.03.23 23:36:38.092752800 CGameGlobalsInit()
2016.03.23 23:36:38.094398800 CGameGlobals::Init()
2016.03.23 23:36:38.096239800 Disabling loading screen for 31, 0
2016.03.23 23:36:38.099097800 Enabling loading screen for 1, 1
2016.03.23 23:36:39.826362800 SNOPreload::InitializeForGame submit required SNOs in 1725115us
2016.03.23 23:36:50.390822800 SNOPreload::InitializeForGame in 12289712us
2016.03.23 23:37:01.599195800 Setting depth texture, fmt = 36
2016.03.23 23:37:01.611340800 PostFXGfxInit() success
2016.03.23 23:37:01.617224800 SubObjectGfxInit() 1
2016.03.23 23:37:01.821326800 Connecting to
2016.03.23 23:37:01.827581800 >>> ozzy GamesListener::OnGameJoined gameId=channel_id { high: 432345578569321365 low: 14097055930832497570 } gameLeader={ high: 144115192370840627 low: 76582496 } partyLeader={ high: 144115192370840627 low: 76582496 } members={ count=1 [0]={ m_id: 2:100004433:4908e60, battletag: ZanyDruid#18961, roles: 101, 1, permissions: 1575842, attrs: { } } }
2016.03.23 23:37:01.832582800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetPrivacyLevelCallback code=0 old=CLOSED(1) new=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) reason=MATCHMAKER_SEARCHING(2)
2016.03.23 23:37:01.835182800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetPrivacyLevelCallback code=0 old=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) new=CLOSED(1) reason=CREATING_GAME(0)
2016.03.23 23:37:01.837304800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::CloseStatusChange_SetPrivacyLevelCallback code=0 old=CLOSED(1) new=ASK_TO_JOIN(3) reason=CREATING_GAME(0)
2016.03.23 23:37:02.495015800 -----------------------------------------------------------------
2016.03.23 23:37:02.496835800 Server Version Information:
2016.03.23 23:37:02.498775800 -----------------------------------------------------------------
2016.03.23 23:37:02.500425800 Server BuildVersion:
2016.03.23 23:37:02.501952800 Server SNOPackHash: 0x4ADB0DDB (client hash = 0x4ADB0DDB)
2016.03.23 23:37:02.503470800 Server ProtocolHash: 0x4D8BA643 (client hash = 0x4D8BA643)
2016.03.23 23:37:02.505103800 -----------------------------------------------------------------
2016.03.23 23:37:02.964757800 >>> ozzy GameSession promoted to public.
2016.03.23 23:37:07.736459800 Initializing client world caOUT_RefugeeCamp...
2016.03.23 23:37:16.845858800 >>> ozzy BnetParty::Games_GameSessionNowInProgressEvent::SetMemberAttribute_GameId game_id { factoryId: 7915986303367463717 high: 432345578569321365 low: 14097055930832497570 }
2016.03.23 23:37:57.353476800 Disabling loading screen for 1, 0
2016.03.23 23:38:33.166347800 Enabling loading screen for 4, 4
2016.03.23 23:38:33.187787800 Initializing client world X1_LR_Level_01...
2016.03.23 23:38:33.203920800 Enabling loading screen for 4, 4
2016.03.23 23:38:33.222009800 Disposing UI for World
2016.03.23 23:38:41.278876800 Disabling loading screen for 1, 4
2016.03.23 23:38:54.673067800 Disabling loading screen for 2, 4
2016.03.23 23:38:54.674857800 Disabling loading screen for 4, 0
2016.03.23 23:55:03.126239800 Enabling loading screen for 4, 4
2016.03.23 23:55:03.128454800 Initializing client world X1_LR_Level_02...
2016.03.23 23:55:03.130345800 Enabling loading screen for 4, 4
2016.03.23 23:55:03.135842800 Disposing UI for World
2016.03.23 23:55:03.207156800 Disabling loading screen for 1, 4
2016.03.23 23:55:12.351445800 Disabling loading screen for 2, 4
2016.03.23 23:55:12.354099800 Disabling loading screen for 4, 0
2016.03.24 00:05:33.676460800 Enabling loading screen for 4, 4
2016.03.24 00:05:33.678893800 Initializing client world X1_LR_Level_03...
2016.03.24 00:05:33.680706800 Enabling loading screen for 4, 4
2016.03.24 00:05:33.686289800 Disposing UI for World
2016.03.24 00:05:33.748450800 Disabling loading screen for 1, 4
2016.03.24 00:05:41.720472800 Disabling loading screen for 2, 4
2016.03.24 00:05:41.723166800 Disabling loading screen for 4, 0
Avatar of Omrakos
game is crashing(2)March-24-2016 7:20 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Your D3Debug file won't really help with troubleshooting an issue of the computer shutting off. It just shows the sequence of what the game is doing from startup to exiting. If the computer shuts off, the file just stops being written to.

Your symptom is typically caused by internal components in the computer overheating, most often the CPU but it can also be the GPU (video) and other components nearby as everything is packed rather closely inside a laptop.

I'd suggest locating a temperature monitoring utility capable of accurately displaying the temps for your processor/video. Check them when the computer is idle with no applications running other than Windows and then when the game has been playing for a little.

Be sure to use the AC power adapter while playing and use a laptop cooling pad beneath the computer.

HWMonitor may be ok for your hardware, but I'm not sure.

I'm available in the forums Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific Time,
Feedback? - https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Omrakos
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