Play Your Way Returns June 23!Category: Diablo BlogJune-10-2016 10:00 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard blog

It’s been a while, nephalem. We took a break from bringing you regular build highlights, but the time has come to once again submit your builds and showcase them to the world!

With the return of Play Your Way, there will be a several changes coming to streamline the process and make the feature a smoother, more manageable beast than before. Between the hundreds of submissions to review and the original weekly schedule, we realized we needed to space things out to provide better content. We also received plenty of feedback about how you’d like to see the Play Your Way experience enhanced and looked at data to determine which aspects you most enjoyed. After a lot of review, experimentation, and tweaking, we’ve put together the final format. Here’s what’s changing:

  • Updates are coming to the Play Your Way web form to better cover all the important aspects of a build, including Kanai’s Cube Powers and Legendary Gems
    • In the meantime, we ask when submitting your build to use the “additional information” text field to include this information
  • Play Your Way will be moving to a bi-weekly format; this means you can expect regular posts to occur every other Thursday
  • Each feature will include a short gameplay video to highlight the builds and provide a visual look at player creations
  • Play Your Way livestreams will not be returning; while we know plenty of folks enjoyed these short hangouts, many more players enjoy the blogs so we’re focusing our efforts primarily on those.
  • Blogs will be shorter and more to-the-point; less commentary, more statements of fact to get you in game and experimenting as fast as possible

We want to know how you play on a day-to-day basis and give you the chance to share your findings with the rest of the community. There are plenty of places on the internet to find the fastest or most efficient build. However, that’s never been the spirit of Play Your Way; we’d much rather give the average hero a chance to show off their creativity and inspire others. We hope to get to explore some amazing, funky, and downright cool gameplay styles together with our community as a result.

So what are you waiting for? Start sending those builds in, and we’ll see you in Sanctuary!

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