Avatar of Cheque #2511
Cheque #2511
Floating numbers for XP received(1)Category: PTR FeedbackNovember-12-2015 3:27 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Please Blizzard, allow us to decide if we want to see or not the XP amount that now pops up every time you kill a mob. In my opinion its very annoying, specially when you reach large groups of enemies.
Just simply put an option in the IU menu that we can activate or not, like the amount of healing, or the amount of damage done.
Avatar of Wyatt Cheng
Wyatt Cheng
Floating numbers for XP received(16)November-17-2015 1:23 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
The floating XP numbers is a bug and should be fixed next PTR patch.
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