Avatar of JunoBug #2261
JunoBug #2261
Action combat, not in rifts?(1)Category: PTR FeedbackNovember-11-2015 6:56 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I noticed that the new action combat system for kills is not working in rifts/grifts but it is working when doing bounties.

Is this intended?

I did get broken items bonus though in rifts.
Avatar of Nevalistis
Action combat, not in rifts?(5)November-12-2015 8:31 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: JunoBug

Is this intended?

Just to confirm, it is intended that Action Combat does not apply to Nephalem or Greater Rifts.

I'm here a bit early today, so I'll try to get some more clear clarification on exactly what aspects of Action Combat apply to which portions of the game once there are more folks in the office.
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