Avatar of Modiby #1942
Modiby #1942
What made you roll a Witch Doctor?(1)Category: Witch DoctorSeptember-29-2015 6:14 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Was it the dark arts of voodoo? The army of evil minions? For me, it was the utter enjoyment of darting around as a ticking chicken time bomb.
Avatar of Grimiku
What made you roll a Witch Doctor?(14)September-30-2015 3:05 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Witch Doctor was also the first character I ever created, too. What really sold it for me were the critter skills. The idea of sending out a wave of exploding frogs, or breathing an infestation of locust on your enemies was far too appealing to pass up. It was just crazy and cool.
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