Avatar of Prometheus #1743
Prometheus #1743
Illusory boots no longer breaks jail?(1)Category: HardcoreOctober-1-2015 4:02 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Before 2.3, with illusory boots, when you get jailed, all you need to do is try to move and you break free.

After 2.3, you cannot move for the entire duration!
Avatar of Grimiku
Illusory boots no longer breaks jail?(8)October-1-2015 4:40 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Prometheus

Before 2.3, with illusory boots, when you get jailed, all you need to do is try to move and you break free.

That's strange. I don't think Illusory Boots were ever intended to break Jailer, but I'll have to double check to be certain. Thanks for the report!
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