Avatar of Scymir
Connectivity/Latency Issues *9/26/2015*(1)Category: Technical SupportSeptember-26-2015 7:55 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey everyone!

We're getting reports that some players are running into issues connecting, staying connecting, or general latency in-game today. We need some examples to get this looked into some more.

If you're having one of the above issues starting today, please reply here with a traceroute and pathping for us.
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Avatar of Scymir
Connectivity/Latency Issues *9/26/2015*(8)September-26-2015 8:17 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
No fix at the moment, we need to get enough information to determine what exactly is happening and where it needs to go exactly.
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