Avatar of KINGCONAN608 #1154
KINGCONAN608 #1154
More servers for events and in general.(1)Category: Technical SupportSeptember-26-2015 9:03 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I know Blizzard will ignore this, because they ignore all negative feedback. Battlenet even before events like they are running this weekend is LAGGY as hell, but now even more LAGGY and getting kicked every couple of minutes <if your lucky to be on for a couple of minutes> More servers might be encouraged, but then again, that would cost money and therefore would mean LESS OF A BONUS at the end of the year for upper management, since there is ABOLUTELY NO CARE FOR THE END USER ONCE THEY HAVE YOUR MONEY. I've been a blizzard supporter since the days before the original Diablo, and battlenet has always been known as LAGNET, and will always be known as LAGNET since it has NEVER been improved to any significant degree that I can see of.

Way to go Blizzard, take our money and give nothing back, that is a typical company!
Avatar of Scymir
More servers for events and in general.(2)September-26-2015 10:38 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
The technical support forum isn't really for suggestions, but I can understand your concern. In this case, the issue you're experiencing likely has to do with an issue that seems to be affecting particular ISPs in your region.

I would suggest checking out this thread and post the requested information:


If you'd like to provide suggestions, though, be sure to make sure they're constructive and posted in the general forums. We love all feedback--positive or negative--as long as it is constructive.
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