Avatar of RiseAgainstX #1223
RiseAgainstX #1223
Ancient Hellfire Ammy(1)Category: ConsoleSeptember-18-2015 10:51 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
So............ it's a thing right? I've only rolled about 50 thus far and I've been vaguely disappointed... do I need to use the cube to roll an ancient or should I be able to do it through artisan? My D3 knowledge is pretty legit and I believe I can roll it with artisan if RNG loves me but I would like somebody to confirm...
Avatar of Grimiku
Ancient Hellfire Ammy(5)September-18-2015 1:34 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: RiseAgainstX

So............ it's a thing right? I've only rolled about 50 thus far and I've been vaguely disappointed... do I need to use the cube to roll an ancient or should I be able to do it through artisan? My D3 knowledge is pretty legit and I believe I can roll it with artisan if RNG loves me but I would like somebody to confirm...

Hellfire Amulets can definitely roll as an Ancient item in UEE, as several of your fellow player have already noted. However, I feel like I should mention that a lot of the typically desired stats on an amulet are unaffected by the Ancient quality. Bonus crit chance, crit damage, and % elemental damage are not natively better than a non-ancient version, but main stat is. It'll be better than a non-ancient version, but just keep in mind that only certain stats can improve.
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