Avatar of Kyle #1422
Kyle #1422
Loading Screen Freeze(1)Category: Technical SupportSeptember-10-2015 4:32 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
This has been happening ever since I came back for patch 2.3 and it's really irritating. Once in a while when I'm in a game and I teleport to someone or switch levels the game loading bar freezes and I have to close the game and restart it...

Please help.
Avatar of Halkriel
Loading Screen Freeze(14)November-7-2015 8:57 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Halkriel

Hey XerxesTM!

This thread is pretty old and likely it's not the same issue since this is about a year old from the original post date.

If you're still having the black screens or getting stuck on loading screens please go ahead and start a new thread. Be sure to include as much information as possible about the issue and what has been tried so far.

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