Avatar of IceAxe #1667
IceAxe #1667
Installing PTR(1)Category: Technical SupportJuly-8-2015 10:34 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
So how do you actually install the PTR? I followed the "directions", but they don't match what appears on my screen. Where exactly do I double click on my "Diablo III game license"? The only thing available to me is Diablo III: Reaper of Souls.
Avatar of Dankorii
Installing PTR(3)July-8-2015 2:57 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

To install the PTR follow the steps below:

1. Open the Battle.net Desktop App.
2. Select Diablo III from the left side of the Battle.net Desktop App's screen.
3. Click on the drop down menu located above the "play" button and select "PTR: Reaper of Souls".
4. The "play" button should change to an "install" button.
5. Click on "install" and follow the onscreen steps.
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