Avatar of DarkLoki19 #1528
DarkLoki19 #1528
Macbook Pro Resolution Settings Save(1)Category: Mac Technical SupportAugust-5-2015 4:26 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I did a quick search and tried to locate this topic, but I was unable to find anything. It it already exists please excuse my Noobiness as this is my first post.

Anyways I own a Macbook Pro Retina with a GT 750m Graphics Card and it handles the game just fine, I prefer to play my game at a 1680×1050 resolution but it does not seem to save the resolution for me within the game. It often switches to a 1920x1200 on its own.

I believe the problems stem from my system switching back and forth between the NVidia dedicated gpu and the intel low power saving gpu. But in general I'm just tired of manually switching this every time I play the game.

Again this is only a guess as to why it's happening, any suggestions or ideas on how I can FORCE IT to stay at 1680 x 1050?

Thanks, Bryan.
Avatar of Glaxigrav
Macbook Pro Resolution Settings Save(2)August-6-2015 1:19 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
DarkLoki, let's make sure that your Application Support folder is allowing full read/write access.

    1. Open Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities.
    2. Type or copy and paste the following command for the affected application:
  • Battle.net: chmod 0754 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Battle.net
  • Diablo III/StarCraft II: chmod 0754 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Blizzard
  • 3. Press Return.

Once those are done, re-launch D3 and save your desired settings. Close the game, restart it and see if the resolution sticks.
Technical Support: Monday-Friday, 12pm - 9pm Pacific Time
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Avatar of Glaxigrav
Macbook Pro Resolution Settings Save(4)August-11-2015 8:52 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: DarkLoki19

Thanks a ton!!! this seems to have fixed it. If you could be so kind and explain what the scripts I just put in do/did I'd really appreciate it. My guess/assumption is that it set it to my native? or whatever I had setup within my OSX environment?


Glad to hear that it's better! :D

Basically what the above commands do are set the permissions so that the Battle.net App has authority to write your settings to the save file.

Your settings are tracked in a text file called D3Prefs.txt (on a Mac, they live in the /Application Support/Blizzard/Diablo III folder). If the game doesn't have permission to write, it can't save your settings and will leave it as the defaults.

We just changed the permission for that particular file so that the game is allowed to write there. Hope that helps clear it up a bit!
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