Avatar of Doom #2313
Doom #2313
Network Disconnect During Game Start(1)Category: Technical SupportJune-5-2015 5:32 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I thought the problem was solved, but its not. I'm still getting a Network Disconnect loading the game.
Avatar of Dankorii
Network Disconnect During Game Start(2)June-5-2015 6:15 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Let's get a little more information about your home network.

Please provide the following info:

* Windows Xp, Vista, 7,or 8 (also include if it's a 32 or 64 bit version)
* Firewall (McAfee, Norton, ZoneAlarm, etc.)
* Network Adapter brand, model, driver date, and driver version number (Steps below)

1. Click Start.
2. Click Control Panel.
3. Double-click on the System icon (in Windows XP, you may need to click Switch to Classic 4. View on the left hand side of the screen).
5. Select the Hardware tab.
6. Click on Device Manager
7. Expand the section labeled Network Adapters.
8. Right-click on your network card and select Properties.
9. Click on the "Driver" tab at the top

* Router brand and model # (this should be printed somewhere on the front or back or bottom)
* Cable or DSL Modem brand and model #(this should be printed somewhere on the front or back or bottom)
* ISP (Internet Service Provider)
* Is the connection wired or wireless
* Location (City, State)
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Avatar of Dankorii
Network Disconnect During Game Start(6)June-8-2015 2:43 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Let's download WinMTR. This tool will run a different style of pathping which will hopefully give us a little bit more information about what might be going on with the connection.

1. Download WinMTR
2. Unzip the WinMTR.zip file to the Desktop.
3. Open the WinMTR folder and select the 32 or 64 bit version. Choose whichever one corresponds to your version of Windows.
4. Run the WinMTR.exe
5. Type the IP address you want to trace in the "Host" field. You can find the needed IP address in our "Running A Pathping Test" support article, which mentions all of our IPs used for troubleshooting purposes.
6. Click on "Start" and then launch the game. Once you notice the connection issue, play for about 10 more minutes, minimize the game and click on "Stop".
7. Click on "Copy text to clipboard" and paste the results into your next forum reply.

***If the support article linked above lists more than one IP address for the region you play on, please be sure to run a WinMTR to each IP address. ***
I'm available Monday through Friday from 11AM to 8PM Pacific Time
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