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TOP #1212
Help find mailbox to get last season items(1)Category: New Player HelpJune-1-2015 12:01 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I trying to find the mailbox, so I can get my season 2 items, But I don't see the mailbox at the left bottom corner with a non-seasonal character.
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You have thirty days after the season ends in order to claim your seasonal items. After that they are gone. Pretty sure it has been over thirty days since the end of season two, so I think you are out of luck.
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The 30 day limit was described by blizzard in its official blogs on seasons.

If you had in game mail it would have appeared in the bottom left corner next to the chat button.

Better luck with season 3
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Community Manager
Posts: 268
Posted by: TimberWolf

You have thirty days after the season ends in order to claim your seasonal items.

Thanks for jumping in to help a fellow player out, TimberWolf! :)

Players who created a Season 2 character have 30 days from the first time they log in after the Season has ended to claim their items (see more details in our blog post about the end of Season 2). Basically, the first time you log in after the Season ends, it begins the 30 day timer, so you'll need to claim your Seasonal items before it expires.

Hope that helps!
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Darn it! Lol ok thank you guys! I'll keep that in mind.
[Post edited one time, last edit by TOP#1212 at June-1-2015 9:22 PM PDT (10 years ago)]
Avatar of Tyvalir
Help find mailbox to get last season items(4)June-1-2015 2:28 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: TimberWolf

You have thirty days after the season ends in order to claim your seasonal items.

Thanks for jumping in to help a fellow player out, TimberWolf! :)

Players who created a Season 2 character have 30 days from the first time they log in after the Season has ended to claim their items (see more details in our blog post about the end of Season 2). Basically, the first time you log in after the Season ends, it begins the 30 day timer, so you'll need to claim your Seasonal items before it expires.

Hope that helps!
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