Avatar of Tilian #11908
Tilian #11908
Diablo 3 black screening my entire computer(1)Category: Technical SupportJuly-9-2016 7:01 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
when I start up diablo 3 I have to switch to full screen then back to windowed to fix a flashing issue I get but whenever I switch back to windowed mode now my entire desktop is black and I can see my mouse switch from normal to the Diablo cursor if I move it around and the only fix is to restart my PC even if I completely exit Diablo

I was not having this problem yesterday and didnt change anything from yesterday to today
Avatar of Tiogaradh
Diablo 3 black screening my entire computer(2)July-10-2016 2:35 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey Tilian,
Can you make sure all your drivers are up to date and if the issue persists reply here with your DxDiag.

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