Avatar of Laco #2600
Laco #2600
"Battle.net agent update.exe" a SSD killer ?(1)Category: Technical SupportJuly-6-2016 6:36 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
As you all know less we write on SSD better it is.
So becarefull guys, if your B.net Launcher start with your windows

I noticed yesterday after the last Overwatch Patch that the process "Battle.net Agent update.exe" is now consuming arount 45% - 50% CPU Load (without any game launched).

But most important all my games are hosted on a SSD, for better performance, and with the Windows 10 task manager I noticed that the "B.net agent update.exe" is writing around 15-20 Mb/s. And I did not see any download or anything particular activies. wondering what this agent.exe is writing on the drive?#!!?

For sure the workaround to close the B.net Laucnher when u launch a game could solve this issue, but what a "shame" workaround.
When you google this issue with the agent.exe...it is a recurent issue from stone age and never (permanent) fixed by Blizzard.

Between Battle.net Helper.exe (before 2 process) consuming lot of CPU Load, now only one Helper.exe and no more CPU, but the Update Agent.exe is now giving the same issue + TRYING to rape your SSD!!!
Hope quickly another patch asap.
Avatar of Tiogaradh
"Battle.net agent update.exe" a SSD killer ?(4)July-10-2016 2:11 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey Laco,
Since you have a WoW account it's likely the background download of the new patch data you're seeing, for a more effective "workaround" go to the settings on your Battle.net App and turn off background downloads.

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