Avatar of Waterdust #2304
Waterdust #2304
The application encountered an unexpected error(1)Category: Technical SupportJune-4-2016 4:54 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Since this week I have been unable to open Diablo 3. Other battle.net games have no problems it seems. I have restarted the system. removed the batle.net folder under the progamdata. And reinstalled the game, yet it stil gives me the same error. Could you please assist?


Best regards.
Avatar of Kiemmaki
The application encountered an unexpected error(2)June-4-2016 7:34 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello Waterdust,

Has there been an update to your anti-virus software maybe? Have you checked if Diablo 3 is still allowed to run within the settings of your anti-virus and firewall? Are you able to start the game directly from the games folder, not via the app?

Have you also tried disabling the in game overlay in the discord settings?

Kind regards

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