Avatar of AnimaSola #2745
AnimaSola #2745
High latency during evening hours(1)Category: Technical SupportMay-2-2016 1:24 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I'm from Israel and for a couple of days straight, after 21.00 evening i get high latency (over 1.5k), which makes the game unplayable. I called my provider- they say there are no problems on their end.
I've been having these issues with the previous season as well, but not as often as now.
Does anyone have any suggestions on possible ways of fixing this?
Avatar of Kiemmaki
High latency during evening hours(15)May-4-2016 12:52 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello everybody.

I am sorry to hear about the possible issue with your ISP. Since it might be an issue with them, there is only so much we can do, but we will certainly try.

Could i ask you to post the details below in this thread, so that we can collect them and see what we can do?

Affected Games:
Description of issue:
Date and time of the issue:
IP Address:
Connection Type:
City and Country:

and could you also please post
traceroute with the issue
battle.net/support/article/7263 with the issue
traceroute without the issue
battle.net/support/article/7263 without the issue

Thanks a million in advance.

Kind regards

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Avatar of Kiemmaki
Possible Connection Issue from Israel(18)May-6-2016 5:44 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello missile,

Thank you for coming back with some Data. Could you please provide the traceroute and https://eu-looking-glass.battle.net/ as well?

Kind regards

What's your opinion?

Avatar of Kiemmaki
Possible Connection Issue from Israel(35)July-11-2016 6:23 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello everybody,

We have been working on this issue and i just wanted to get some feedback from you if the issue is still ongoing. Please only replies from Bezeq Customers.

Kind regards

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