Avatar of LuunaBerry #2954
LuunaBerry #2954
Black screen when trying to change resolution(1)Category: Technical SupportApril-29-2016 8:49 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I recently re-downloaded Diablo so it now it's comfortably on my PC and not my external hard drive but whenever I try to change the resolution I get a blank black screen.
I can change the 0000x0000 properties but when trying to change to Windowed mode / Windowed (fullscreen) mode my screen goes completely black.
I've tried tabbing out and CTRL + ALT + DEL to try and bring up the task manager but that doesn't show up either. The sound is still there and my mouse changes whenever I hover over what I presume is a button or something but the only way to fix it, is to turn my PC off completely via the tower.
I've tried it with other Blizz games but they're all fine, it's just Diablo it's happening with.
Avatar of Delmoryth
Black screen when trying to change resolution(2)April-30-2016 9:03 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello LuunaBerry,

Repair the game:

Make sure both your operative system and drivers are totally up to date:

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