Avatar of Chad #21246
Chad #21246
no diablo 3 ultimate evil edition in europe store?(1)Category: Technical SupportMarch-17-2016 2:43 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
i know this is not really technical issue, but i do need some clarification and have nowhere else to ask.

i want to buy ultimate edition and i'm from europe but i can't buy ultimate edition in europe store while i see that american store has it. is there any reason? if i buy it from american store will i be able to play it in european region? if not, will there be any disadvantage if i play it in american region? i'm talking about pc version.

Avatar of Natryndon
no diablo 3 ultimate evil edition in europe store?(5)March-18-2016 8:00 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey there Goury,

Shammoz was not aware that this product was available in the US Store as he's an EU MVP. The Ultimate PC edition is not available in the EU store right now but you CAN buy it from the US store and it will work on all regional servers as normal thanks to Global Play. =)

Hope that helps.
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