Avatar of sulzer #2836
sulzer #2836
Lower performance after upgrading PC(1)Category: Technical SupportMarch-5-2016 5:54 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi everybody,
I recently upgraded my PC and I am getting worse performance in every aspect.

My old PC specs
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 (Dual core, no HT)
Memory: 4Gb DDR2
Gfx: Nvidia GeForce 250 1Gb VRAM

My new PC specs
CPU: Intel Core i7 920 (Quad core and HT)
Memory : 6Gb DDR3
Gfx: Nvidia GeForce 650 1Gb VRAM

Resolution is 1600x1050 on both PCs (same monitor). OS on old pc is Windows 7 64bit and on the new PC I have tried Windows 10 and 7, both 64 bit and both the same results.

Diablo 3 in my old pc was running smoothly, with High/Medium/High/Medium/LowFX: 80 fps in town and never below 50 fps in battle.
On the new PC with Low/Low/Off/Low/LowFX I get anything from 30 to 100 fps in town, but during battle it almost always drops below 20 fps making it unplayable.

My DXDiag file: http://pastebin.com/ucTSDkHP

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar of Tiogaradh
Lower performance after upgrading PC(3)March-7-2016 12:34 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey Sulzer,
If you've just installed everything make sure all your drivers are up to date and is this a fresh install of the game or did you just copy the install over?

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