I'd like to help you troubleshoot this error. Before we get into that, I'd like for you to send in some Battle.net logs that could help our QA department minimize these types of errors for our players in the future.
- 1. Download LogGoblin.exe.
2. Run LogGoblin.exe and give it a few minutes to gather your Battle.net logs.
3. After it finishes collecting your logs, press Enter to close the program.
4. A zip file named BlizzardLogs-[YYYY-MM-DD].[HHMMSS].zip, which contains all of your log files, was created in the same location as LogGoblin.exe.
Once the .zip file is created, please email it to toolsupport@blizzard.com with the title [Battle.net][Install/Patching][Username][Thread Title][ThreadID].
Note that this inbox is for collecting logs only, keep an eye on this thread for troubleshooting steps!
I'm available Sunday through Thursday from 11AM to 8PM Pacific Time
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