Avatar of VeNoMxBR #1402
VeNoMxBR #1402
Zuni 6 pieces bonus bug?(1)Category: Witch DoctorApril-17-2015 4:19 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Just reported: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/17084518516#1

If anyone else could test it to support, it would be great.


Here is the vid. I pointed out some parts where the bug happens, but you can see on many parts, specially when it comes down to a single target, like the RG.

Avatar of Grimiku
Zuni 6 pieces bonus bug?(8)April-21-2015 2:13 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Thank you, everyone, for reporting this issue! We've identified a bug that sometimes prevents players from benefiting from Zunimassa’s 6-piece set bonus when there's more than one Witch Doctor attacking the same monster(s). We’re working a fix right now, but we don't yet know if this is something that can addressed via hotfix or if it will require a client-side patch. As a result, we also don’t have a time frame to share.

Thanks again for your reports, and for your patience in the meantime. We'll be sure provide more information once it’s available.
[Post edited one time, last edit by Grimiku at April-21-2015 2:58 PM PDT (9 years ago)]
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