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Fresh Meat N' Greet - OmegaRed#1437(1)Category: Demon HunterApril-15-2015 2:21 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
The world of Sanctuary is a BIG place, defended by hundreds of thousands of heroes each and every day. To help you get to know some of these fellow nephalem a little better, we've created the Fresh Meat N' Greet.

The Fresh Meet N' Greet is a recurring series of interviews featuring you, our community. A few times each month, we'll sit down and chat with six different community members, one for each class, and then post our Q&As right here in these forums.

Up this week for Demon Hunters: OmegaRed#1437

Read on below to find out more about your fellow ally in battle!

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Fresh Meat N' Greet - OmegaRed#1437(2)April-15-2015 2:21 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Grimiku: Tell us a bit about yourself.

OmegaRed#1437: I am a Brazilian born in Ponta Grossa which is a small town, around 350 thousand inhabitants currently.

I'm an system analyst and musician, married, we currently live in a farm downsouth Brazil where we have our 6 dogs, 2 cats, ducks and fish ponds. Since we live in a farm and I work at home I can make my own schedule which allows me to play D3 as much as I want.
Here is my profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/OmegaRed-1437/

Grimiku: Got any cool hobbies or talents?

OmegaRed#1437: As I've mentioned before I'm a musician and got my first degree as a musician when I was 12 and after that had performed with my ex-band Fire Hunter. I've composed and recorded the first album of the band but right after I had to move because of work and unfortunatelly had to leave the band. For those who are into the Heavy Metal scene you can check a little bit here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDZzM9-sXb8

My hobbies are collecting odd and weird things, I have a cabinet of curiosities at home with very interesting pieces. I also like photographies and I work with digital art and currently learning sculpture.

Grimiku: What’s your history like as a gamer, and with the Diablo series?

OmegaRed#1437: The first videogame I had was an Atari, my favorite game was Frogger but I also loved River Raid and Pitfall. The best consoles of all times to me were the Snes and N64, because they had the best games ever released and I got to play all of them during my childhood. Some titles I loved: Ghouls n' Ghosts, Battletoads, Donkey Kong all of them, Zelda the Ocarina of Time (best game ever to me), 007GoldenEye, Turok, etc... this list can be long LOL.

I've played Diablo since Diablo 1 and I fell in love with the game because it was terrifying, dark and while playing you would have that bad feeling before crossing any door, sometimes even start to sweat, when you were very close to complete a quest or a Boss encounter. Diablo 2 I consider the best game ever made, I've spent some years playing that game, if it was possible to have a HD version or even compatible with the new OS's you bet I'd be still playing it.

Grimiku: What some of your other favorite games and why?

OmegaRed#1437: As I've listed some games before from console I'm only going to explain why I like them. They were always very challenging to me, I have the passion for challenges and being able to solve them it's a great reward. As far as computer games are concerned I loved Phantasmagoria, Cyberia, Myst (all of them) etc...

Grimiku: Do you play any other classes?

OmegaRed#1437: Yes, in fact I play all classes, but when I first read about D3 and the classes, since I didn't get to play the beta before release, I've always had the intention to have the Demon Hunter class as my main class. According to what players were talking about during the beta it was the hardest class to play due to its low defense and resistance. I love challenges and that right there was a great challenge to me as a player.

Grimiku: Are you in a great clan or community? If yes, tell us about them!

OmegaRed#1437: Yes I am an Officer of The Prime Assassin's clan that was before known as The Glass Canon clan. The clan was created during D3 vanilla way before RoS came out and introduced clans and communities.

The origin of the clan consisted on playing with very very low defense and resistances and still be able to play on the highest difficulty through the whole content of the game. DiEoxidE and Flight created the clan back on D3V and we're still around doing what we do best: Play the Demon Hunter Class and theorycraft.

We have great players I can mention here such as RedCell which is the leader of the clan currently and he also was one of the few Demon Hunters that played Dual Wield back on Vanilla. ActionKungfu that is a very smart and great Hardcore player.

Bladezero that happened to be the creator of the Sever Demon Hunter build that just got nerfed, after players realized how good that sword was, sometime later.
We have great players in our clan and we would like to invite more Hunter to join us.

Grimiku: What's your most embarrassing moment while playing?

OmegaRed#1437: Well, I wasn't embarrassed but, DiEoxidE was LOL. We were playing this rift right after RoS was realeased and we found this pylon.... He asked me if I had Nemesis Bracers and I didn't have, so we could spawn an elite to kill and maybe have the chance of a legendary drop, but he had a pair of Bracers. I don't know why it took him a while to open his inventory to change the bracers and when he started moving towards the pylon I don't know why I misclicked and got the pylon almost at the same time as he got there. Nothing spawned, but I saw him performing a double vault LOL away from the pylon to get as far as he could from the elite that didn't exist LOL. That was hilarious, we were on TS and we laughed a lot.

Grimiku: Okay, what about your most AWESOME moment while playing?

OmegaRed#1437: When I finally got my calamity back on D3V. You know if you're a Demon Hunter that is a staple you need to have a well rolled calamity.
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Fresh Meat N' Greet - OmegaRed#1437(3)April-15-2015 2:22 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Grimiku: What drew you to the Demon Hunter?

OmegaRed#1437: The challenge, the mobility and versatility that the other classes didn't have. I love the mobility of the Demon Hunter class and I think that is what makes the classes look the deadliest of them all.

Grimiku: How do you prefer to exact vengeance? Do you trap your prey with sentries and snares, or eliminate them from just out of reach with well-placed arrows?

OmegaRed#1437: Forearmed is forewarned. I like to be prepared to any kind of situation, remember, we are the ones that hunt, we can't be hunted!

Grimiku: What's your favorite skill (or skill rune), and why?

OmegaRed#1437: My favorite skill is Elemental Arrow - Ball lightning because it was one of the first skills I've used after I reached level 60 back on D3V and it was pretty powerful back then and it's still powerful nowadays. I used to say to the clan mates that Ball lightnint is the best balanced rune we have.

Grimiku: What build are you running currently?

OmegaRed#1437: I'm currently running M6 Cluster Arrow - Fire spec

Grimiku: If there was one thing you could change about the Demon Hunter, what would it be?

OmegaRed#1437: RESPONSE

Grimiku: What’s the next (or most interesting) item you’re currently after, and why are you after it?

OmegaRed#1437: A very well rolled Ancient Calamity. I've dropped a very good one before the ancient items came around but no luck afterwards.

Grimiku: If you could make a set to support one skill, what would it support and how?

OmegaRed#1437: I'd like to make a set to support spike traps. It would need a little redesign on runes or the skill itself but I'm gonna say what my idea would be. Make the spike traps work similar to Inner Sanctuary or even Jailer so we would have an area where you placed a trap and actually is not only doing damage to the monsters on it but also providing you crowd control. I'd like to add a feature that if the enemy dies inside the trap, it's soul will be bound to the trap and will taunt nearby enemies to it or even grab and hold enemies on it for some time.

The damage types could be worked on top of this which I think it would be pretty cool. Set bonuses could be something like 2 set bonus you get 500 dex, 4 set bonus double the range of the traps and 6 pieces each trapped soul become a companion to fight to your side.

Grimiku: Pick a Demon Hunter quote!

OmegaRed#1437: Vengeance.

Grimiku: Name one piece of advice that you think every Demon Hunter should know.

OmegaRed#1437: Kill fast or get the hell out of there.
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Fresh Meat N' Greet - OmegaRed#1437(4)April-15-2015 2:22 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Grimiku: Which Demon Hunter should we interview next?

OmegaRed#1437: DiEoxidE-1987

Grimiku: Pick a question to ask in the next interview!

OmegaRed#1437: Do you think the Demon Hunter has already reached its full potention or is it still to come?

Grimiku: Dawg6 asks: “Do you think that the current M6 mechanics are overpowered (or underpowered) and need to be changed?”

OmegaRed#1437: Right now I don't think the M6 mechanics are overpowered nor underpowered. I'm very happy to see that they changed the earlier gameplay that was hide-and-seek type of game and players now really have to engage monsters and put themselves in danger sometimes.

I think that the set has reached its true purpose to exist for the Demon Hunter class, I do hope that other sets will be better balanced and that they could be also as good as M6 is.

Got any questions or comments for OmegaRed#1437? Post them below!
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