Avatar of Moth #1702
Moth #1702
Battle.net.exe-Bad Image(1)Category: Technical SupportDecember-17-2015 4:22 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
When trying to login to D3 (or any Blizzard game), I'm getting an error message stating this is not designed to run on Windows or contains an error.

I uninstalled Battle.net through Control Panel/Remove Programs. I reinstalled by downloading and installing from Battle.net site.

I continue to get the same error despite the removal and reinstallation of the client. I played D3 for a few hours last night and did not have any issue.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Avatar of Lurdlespor
Battle.net.exe-Bad Image(3)December-20-2015 3:43 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

If the above doesn't help, can you try creating a new user account in Windows, log into that, then see what happens?

Let me know how I'm doing!
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