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Upcoming PTR Patch and Progress Wipe(1)Category: PTR FeedbackNovember-20-2015 7:54 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
All current PTR adventurers of Sanctuary should be advised that we’re looking to get a new PTR patch up in the next few days. No exact ETA, but we’ll keep you informed as soon as we know more.

As many have guessed, this patch is also going to come along with a PTR progress wipe to clear up a couple of issues that players discovered during testing. Thanks to everyone that provided feedback and discovered bugs – this is absolutely key to the success of the PTR, and while we understand the frustration that can come from losing progress mid-PTR, it’s a fundamental element of our testing process. The vast majority of progress is going to be wiped, but here’s a handy guide.

    Not Being Wiped:
  • Non-Seasonal Achievements Earned During the PTR

    Being Wiped:
  • Characters created during PTR
  • Items, legendary gems, etc.
  • Paragon levels earned in PTR
  • Pretty much everything else

Again, the PTR wipe will happen alongside the PTR patch, which currently doesn’t have an ETA. We’ll keep you all in the loop as we get closer.
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