Avatar of GamerNoob829 #1840
GamerNoob829 #1840
Connection problems?!?!(1)Category: Technical SupportMarch-17-2015 5:41 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
So I've been playing Diablo for about a month now and I have had great connection but the past two day I have been disconnected. My latency has been through the roof too where it is unplayable I've tried restarting my computer and updating it that helped a little for about 30 minutes or so then it would go back to lagging and being unplayable again. Can anybody help?
Avatar of Dankorii
Connection problems?!?!(2)March-17-2015 6:01 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Let's try power cycling the connection.

Here's a support article with steps on how to do that:

Resetting Network Devices

If that doesn't work try flushing the DNS.

Let me know what happens.
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