Avatar of Kaylie #2257
Kaylie #2257
Rolled back again!(1)Category: Technical SupportSeptember-19-2015 5:19 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Twice in the last week I've been disconnected randomly. My games then told me something along the lines that I don't have a licence and my battle.net has disconnected completely.

When I get back on about 10 minutes later, I find that I've lost about 30 minutes to an hours worth of progress. What's this all about? Why am I getting rolled back?

Avatar of Lurdlespor
Rolled back again!(4)September-20-2015 1:48 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
The connectivity issues affecting Diablo III players should now be resolved, however if you do see this again please do not hesitate to let us know in a new thread.

Sorry for the disruption this has caused.

Let me know how I'm doing!
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