Avatar of SilentSword #29160
SilentSword #29160
Starcraft 2 issue <= nice character requirement to post(1)Category: Technical SupportSeptember-19-2015 3:13 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

First of all DONT get me started on why i posted this issue here on the forum: it is simply because i couldn't in the other one... for the simple reason that the issue that i had was even before i could make a character so i could not post it there. And don't get me started on tickets.The ability to post only when you have a character in my opinion is stupid... Oh wait you want me to post a ticket? Well how about i don't and i do this instead... Regarding my issue i created a separate battle net account for a starcraft 2 purchase that i made today and tried to install the game but failed miserably. I keep getting the same error again and again: ERROR: The Localization.xml file cannot be loaded. I assume this is related to the wonderful battle net client which manages the blizzard games. I read in the forums and tried everything that i could find: deleting updates folder, removing reinstalling battle net, account logon, administrator privileges, disabling antivirus software... and nothing...
So are you willing to help me with this issue or should i just return the game to the store?

Thank you !!!!
Avatar of Lurdlespor
Starcraft 2 issue <= nice character requirement to post(2)September-20-2015 1:45 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Can you try the Scan and Repair option on the desktop app, then see if this helps?

If not, can you try clearing these files, then see if that helps:

Let me know how I'm doing!
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