Avatar of Nevalistis
Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(1)Category: PTR FeedbackNovember-18-2014 11:02 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hail, brave heroes of Sanctuary, and welcome to the Patch 2.1.2 PTR!

This upcoming patch features a variety of quality of life and balance changes for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. For more information on the full scope of Patch 2.1.2, please check out our latest PTR patch notes here.

As this PTR will be relatively short and last only a few weeks, we want to make the most of your testing efforts. While we welcome any and all feedback, we are currently looking for focused discussions on the following topics:

List updated December 10.

  • Changes to the Embodiment of the Marauder set
    • Philosophy Note: The following changes are not intended to be a nerf to Demon Hunters or the Embodiment of the Marauder set and additional tuning may be necessary
    • Has been redesigned:
      • (2) Set Bonus
        • Companion calls all companion types to your side

        • (4) Set Bonus
          • Sentries now cast your Hatred spenders every time you do

        • (6) Set Bonus
          • Your generators, Chakram, Cluster Arrow, Elemental Arrow, Impale, and Multishot deal 100% for every Sentry you have active

  • Changes to the Monkey King's Garb set
    • Philosophy Note: With only some minor adjustments to supporting gear, build, and playstyle, Monks with four pieces of the updated Monkey King’s Garb should be able to match or even exceed their previous best Greater Rift time and level. With a complete optimization of the new Set bonuses, Monks should easily (or at least reliably) exceed their previous best Greater Rift time and level.
    • Has been redesigned:
      • (2) Set Bonus
        • Casting Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, or Wave of Light causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 1000% weapon damage
        • Decoy explosion now deals the damage type of your highest +% Elemental Damage

      • (4) Set Bonus
        • When your decoys explode, you gain a buff that increases the damage of Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, and Wave of Light by 500% for 3 seconds

    • Changes to the Legacy of Raekor set
      • Has been redesigned:
        • (2) Set Bonus
          • The first enemy hit by Furious Charge takes 100% additional damage

          • (4) Set Bonus
            • Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune

          • (5) Set Bonus
            • Enemies hit by Furious Charge take 3000% weapon damage over 3 seconds
            • Note: This DoT cannot crit, your Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage will be calculated into its damage

  • New Seasonal Conquests
    • Season 2 Conquests have been added
      • Boss Mode/Worlds Apart
        • Kill the following bosses at max level on Torment VI within 20 minutes of the start of the game in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal:
          • Skeleton King
          • Queen Aranea
          • The Butcher
          • Maghda
          • Zoltun Kulle
          • Belial
          • Ghom
          • Siegebreaker Assault Beast
          • Cydaea
          • Azmodan
          • Rakanoth
          • Izual
          • Diablo
          • Urzael
          • Adria
          • Malthael

    With that said, thank you to all our PTR participants. Your feedback is appreciated and continues to be integral to our design and iteration process. Happy testing!

    Please Note: In order to facilitate focused feedback, posts in this thread that are not relevant to the topics listed above will be deleted. Please create a new thread for your concerns if they are outside the above topics. Thank you!
    Previous Topics

    While we are not currently actively looking for feedback on these topics, this thread contains feedback about the previous changes.

  • Monster distribution in Greater and Nephalem Rifts
    • Nephalem Rifts
      • Monster density has been increased in several Greater and Nephalem Rifts

  • Rift Guardian Tuning
    • The following Rift Guardians have received several changes. As a result, they should be less frustrating, but still dangerous.
      • Bloodmaw
        • Bloodmaw presented an unchallenging and unfair fight due to a combination of one-shot damaging abilities, stuns, and AoE damage. His Leap attack has been modified to address these concerns, but will trigger more often to make the fight feel more dynamic.
      • Erethon
        • Erethon has received minor changes to his dash attack. The AoE element has been replaced with a ranged attack to give more challenge to ranged characters.
      • Rime
        • Rime was an unfair opponent for melee players. The fight has been restructured so that this AoE can no longer overlap and the duration of each has been reduced. In addition, his ranged attack should be more threatening to ranged characters.

  • New Seasonal Conquests
    • Season 2 Conquests have been added
      • Divinity/Lionhearted
        • Reach Greater Rift Level 35 in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal.
      • Avarice/Avaritia
        • Complete a 50,000,000 gold streak while outside of The Vault and The Inner Sanctum in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal
      • Speed Demon/Need For Speed
        • Complete a Nephalem Rift at max level on Torment VI within 2 minutes in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal.
      • Language/Deadly Language
        • Complete the following Lore Book achievements in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal
          • Khanduras Corrupted
          • Legends of the Fall
          • Khanduras Expert
          • Tristram Biologist
          • Denizens of the Desert
          • The Sands of Time
          • Caldeum Historian
          • Caldeum Ecologist
          • For Those About to Die
          • Ale Drinkers and Hellraisers
          • Bastion's Professor
          • Bastion's Keep Preservationist
          • Soldiers of Heaven
          • Heaven Can't Wait
          • Heaven's Chronicler
          • Heaven's Zoologist
          • City of Death
          • The West Marches On
          • Pandemonium Tour Guide
          • Westmarch Cryptozoologist
    [Post edited five times, last edit by Nevalistis at December-11-2014 12:25 PM PST (10 years ago)]
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(90)November-20-2014 10:37 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    First off, thank you all for jumping in and testing your hearts out so quickly! The responses have been great, and we appreciate the amount of on-topic feedback that's been provided thus far. Thank you, it helps us go a long way during this critical part of development!

    Posted by: Lumin

    I'm pretty sure you mean 500%

    Whoops. Totally did. This has been fixed in the original post. Thanks!

    Posted by: Dirtymeat

    I've just noticed on PTR that Andarials Visage retroactively no longer has a Poison Nova proc. Is this intentional?

    This is a known issue. Several items are missing their Legendary affixes. You can see the full list here.

    Finally, we've already got some additional changes pending for the Embodiment of the Marauder. It’s great to see that players are enjoying the more active gameplay of this redesign, and we want to further shift the source of damage from your Sentries to your Demon Hunter. To accomplish this, the set bonus order is being shifted around and retuned. Bear in mind that tuning on the exact number values will likely continue through the PTR and are not yet final.

    Here's our latest anticipated changes, which will be coming to the next PTR patch:

    • 2 Piece Bonus
      • Companion calls all companions to your side.
    • 4 Piece Bonus
      • Sentries cast your Hatred spender when you do.
    • 6 Piece Bonus
      • Your generators, Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow deal 100% increased damage for every active Sentry.

    This should bring the set's damage potential closer to what it currently provides on live, if not a bit better. Once again, thank you for your ongoing diligence in PTR testing!
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(99)November-20-2014 11:06 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    As a quick reminder:

    Posted by: Nevalistis

    Please Note: In order to facilitate focused feedback, posts in this thread that are not relevant to the topics listed above will be deleted. Please create a new thread for your concerns if they are outside the above topics. Thank you!

    Your feedback on all topics is valuable, but this helps us better organize and deliver your thoughts to development, so it's something we'll be pretty strict on. Help us out by keeping this in mind!
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(135)November-20-2014 2:08 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    Posted by: Hebalon

    Does this mean that only our shots are buffed by 100% for every sentry, or also the shots of these sentries?

    Good question! This set bonus applies only to your shots, not the shots fired by Sentries.

    Posted by: aasubei

    It probably means, generators AND that following list of skills.

    This is also correct.
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(372)November-24-2014 1:37 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    Just a quick note that the Focused Feedback list has been updated to include the following request for testing:

  • New Seasonal Conquests
    • Season 2 Conquests have been added
      • Divinity/Lionhearted
        • Reach Greater Rift Level 35 in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal.
      • Avarice/Avaritia
        • Complete a 50,000,000 gold streak while outside of The Vault and The Inner Sanctum in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal
      • Boss Mode/Worlds Apart
        • Kill the following bosses at max level on Torment VI within 20 minutes of the start of the game in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal:
          • Skeleton King
          • Queen Aranea
          • The Butcher
          • Maghda
          • Zoltun Kulle
          • Belial
          • Ghom
          • Siegebreaker Assault Beast
          • Cydaea
          • Azmodan
          • Iskatu
          • Rakanoth
          • Izual
          • Diablo
          • Urzael
          • Adria
          • Malthael
      • Speed Demon/Need For Speed
        • Complete a Nephalem Rift at max level on Torment VI within 2 minutes in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal.
      • Language/Deadly Language
        • Complete the following Lore Book achievements in Seasonal/Hardcore Seasonal
          • Khanduras Corrupted
          • Legends of the Fall
          • Khanduras Expert
          • Tristram Biologist
          • Denizens of the Desert
          • The Sands of Time
          • Caldeum Historian
          • Caldeum Ecologist
          • For Those About to Die
          • Ale Drinkers and Hellraisers
          • Bastion's Professor
          • Bastion's Keep Preservationist
          • Soldiers of Heaven
          • Heaven Can't Wait
          • Heaven's Chronicler
          • Heaven's Zoologist
          • City of Death
          • The West Marches On
          • Pandemonium Tour Guide
          • Westmarch Cryptozoologist

    Please let us know if you've attempted any of the above Conquests, and if so, let us know how you did. How difficult were they to complete? Did you experience any issues completing them? Did you experience any bugs when attempting to complete them? Did you enjoy the challenge?

    Thank you, as always, for your dedication and constructive feedback!
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(464)November-26-2014 2:23 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    Posted by: page

    I have noticed several times now that the keep map is troublesome, almost no elite/blues, and usually lots of small whites boggers/spiders and such, which give almost no xp.

    Posted by: Darth

    Hey Can we stop running into rifts with no mobs and the port doesnt work..

    Both these issues should be fixed in the next PTR patch. :)

    Posted by: MaxMind

    blizz plz teach me how to kill Iskatu in adventure mode.

    Seems like an oversight. Thanks! I'll pass this on.

    I'm still going through this thread, folks. As a reminder, this feedback thread is for all of the topics listed in the original post, and just because we added a new topic doesn't mean we're ignoring the others in the list.

    We're also not ignoring other feedback - but we'd prefer you post your thoughts in a separate thread in the PTR Feedback forum. Thanks for your ongoing efforts!
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(591)December-3-2014 3:32 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    We've got another update coming regarding the Sunwuko set. A slight change will be coming to the 4-piece bonus in the next PTR patch:

    • Monkey King's Garb
      • 4-piece set bonus has been slightly redesigned
        • When your decoys explode, you gain a buff that increases the damage of Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, and Wave of Light by 500% for 3 seconds.

    This should help make this damage boost feel a little less clunky and more reliable to use in practice. As always, thank you so much for your feedback and we look forward to hearing your thoughts as we move on to the next phase of PTR testing!
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(693)December-10-2014 4:18 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    Posted by: Hebalon

    Contrary to the previous announcement the sentries of the demon hunter still benefit from the m6-bonus (+100% dmg/sentry). The M6-DH is still absolutely overpowered for T6 and dominates the leaderboards. I don't think that this is intended.

    You are correct! This is definitely an unintended bug.

    We're currently working on a hotfix to correct this behavior. Once that hotfix rolls out, we'll also be resetting the Demon Hunter, 2-Player, 3-Player, and 4-Player Leaderboards for Season and Non-Season on the PTR to allow this change to be reflected in Leaderboard performance. We’ll need to bring the PTR down for a short time in order to reset the Leaderboards; I’ll update this thread once the time frame is available.

    We're also working on an updated list of Focused Feedback topics. Waiting on just a few more details, but that will be coming soon as well.
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(707)December-10-2014 6:35 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    The original post has been updated with our latest round of Focused Feedback topics. They are as follows:

    • New Seasonal Conquests
      • Season 2 Conquests have been added
        • Boss Mode/Worlds Apart

    Please refer to the original post for the details and associated patch notes regarding these changes.

    As a reminder: In order to facilitate focused feedback, posts in this thread that are not relevant to the topics listed above will be deleted. While all feedback is welcome, we ask that you create a new thread for your concerns if they are outside the above topics. Thank you!
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(805)December-11-2014 12:24 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    Posted by: Mat

    (6) Set Bonus
    Enemies hit by Furious Charge take 3000% weapon damage over 3 seconds
    Note: This DoT cannot crit, your Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage will be calculated into its damage

    Just noticed this. Here it is listed as the six piece set bonus but in-game it is currently a five-piece set bonus still. Is this a typo or a bug?

    Typo, Got overzealous with some code copypasting, I think, and missed it. I'll get that fixed. Thanks!

    Posted by: Nubtro

    Second, Neva, how about creating a new focused feedback thread for each set? You only just added Raekor to the list a couple hours ago, but there have been numerous threads with feedback regarding that topic already and people may miss the fact that now you ask for focused feedback here, when there are multiple discussions going on elsewhere.

    Then the question may appear "was the constructive Barb feedback posted outside of this thread before you added Raekor eligible?"

    Mostly to avoid forum clutter. The more cluttered stickies get, the more people gloss over and subsequently ignore them. Organization reasons, mostly.

    Conversations outside of here aren't being ignored. I've been focused on gathering information from this thread specifically while Tyvalir and Grimiku have been tackling outside of it. It's a collaborative effort. Feedback is being read and heard either way, it just helps us split the load more reasonably. :)
    Avatar of Nevalistis
    Patch 2.1.2 Focused Feedback(813)December-11-2014 2:34 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
    Quick update:

    Posted by: Nevalistis

    We are bringing the PTR realms down for a short maintenance today in order to apply the following hotfix:

    • Embodiment of the Marauder
      • Fixing an issue where the 6 piece set bonus damage was erroneously applying to Sentry damage.

    We'll also be resetting the following Leaderboards to allow this change to be reflected in Leaderboard performance:

    • Solo Demon Hunter
    • 2-Player
    • 3-Player
    • 4-Player

    We currently anticipate downtime to be short and last from 3 PM PT to 4 PM PT. Please keep an eye on this thread for updates as they become available.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding, as well as your diligent testing!
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