Avatar of Hid #2907
Hid #2907
Trophy Hunting(1)Category: Technical SupportAugust-11-2015 1:01 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
As the title suggests this thread is about the achievement "Trophy Hunting".
I've ran into the problem that no rare mob that I kill give me credit.

Here are two examples of the packs that didn't give any credit.
A rare pack of "Skull Cleavers" in both "Battlefield Stores" and "The Keep Depths" (Act III).
A rare pack of "Imps" in "Defiled Crypt" (Act I).

I would love to see a fix for this as it is very demoralizing to do achievements that doesn't work.
Avatar of Tiogaradh
Trophy Hunting(5)August-17-2015 7:00 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
If you encounter a bug, please report it to us using the Diablo® III Bug Report Forum. Submissions posted there have the benefit of allowing a community discussion around high-impact bugs, which can occasionally help in prioritizing them. If you want to check on a bug, we also keep a list of known active issues at the top of that forum that all players can see.

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