Avatar of Adrian #2110
Adrian #2110
Website doesn't update characters anymore(1)Category: Technical SupportMay-10-2015 1:40 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Normally website would update my status as soon as I would have exited the game, but recently iz stopped.
My last update was from May, 4. I have played and leveled with two characters since then - no change on the website whatsoever.
It's an issue for me, because I use website to compare items on different characters and it helps me decide which items should be saved and transferred, and which ones should be recycled.
Avatar of Lurdlespor
Website doesn't update characters anymore(2)May-10-2015 1:52 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Please try changing the password on your account.

This forces a refresh of all account related data, including that used for the website, and should hopefully update everything correctly there.

If not the only thing we can ask you to do is to wait, our website can lag behind the live game sometimes, but it will update given time.

Let me know how I'm doing!
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