Avatar of KaiserOttoIV #1620
KaiserOttoIV #1620
[Help] Resolution not changing 1280x1024 = 800x600(1)Category: Technical SupportMay-15-2015 3:14 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I first created a thread in the community asking if I could change the position of the chat, because it covers the quest speech box:


After seeing here on an YouTube video:


Someone stated it is my resolution that is causing my game display to be so big, yet I have set it 1280x1024, which is the biggest available. Then here comes the problem, I noticed that even the screen actually looks very low resolution, everything is so big, it is more like 800x600, so I set to 800x600 and it looks exactly the same resolution, the only difference is that it gets so blurry!

My hardware, as I stated in the original thread is:

i7-3770 3.40GHz
3 memories DDR-3 4GB each running on a total 12 GB of RAM (I had 16, but recently one of the memories been damaged and was causing blue screens often, so I removed and have not yet bought a replacement).
GeForce GTX-460 graphic card NVidia.

It may not be a top notch, but it is still not something bad to be unable to run at anything higher than 800x600. And that the game options are set to 1280x1024 without even making it any different proves this is clearly some issue.
Avatar of Delmoryth
[Help] Resolution not changing 1280x1024 = 800x600(6)May-16-2015 7:37 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello KaiserOttoIV,

Check that your OS and drivers are up to date:

Repair the game:

I would also recomment trying DUBZ's advice. If you play in Windowed Fullscreen shouldn't make a difference anyway, it should be the same as playing Fullscreen.

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