Avatar of Luminor #1570
Luminor #1570
Bad performance(1)Category: Technical SupportMay-3-2015 8:18 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello all.

I'd like to know if there are some kind of settings outside of the game that I can change to enhance the performance.
My computer isn't that great, I can run Diablo III at around 30 fps in the city with the lowest settings possible from the options menu.
The problem are the rifts, where a huge number of enemies are on the screen and my fps drops considerable, almost to unplayable at some points. I noticed that playing solo helps the fps, but it's way better to play with people. Faster, funnier, easier. Specially when farming for sets.

My computer is an i3, 4GB ram, integrated GFX card (IHD3k).
I know it's not the best hardware, but I thought I could play it decently when I first bought it.
The campaign ran was just fine, as I was solo most of the time, and playing on normal difficult.
Any friendly word would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
Avatar of Delmoryth
Bad performance(3)May-5-2015 7:07 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey Luminor,

Apart from all the advice from Cessum (thanks), here's some other things you can do.

Make sure all your drivers are up to date. Same with the OS:

Check your computer to make sure the temperatures are not high:

You can also find some good advice in this article:

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