Avatar of SmithyP #1339
SmithyP #1339
XBOX 360 Online Co-op Question(1)Category: ConsoleAugust-20-2014 2:13 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
If one player has the original Diablo 3 disk and a friend has the new Ultimate Evil Edition, can they play a co-op game online (for the first 4 acts) or do both players have to have the same title?
Avatar of Araxom
XBOX 360 Online Co-op Question(3)August-20-2014 2:19 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Diablo III games on console will only interact with other games from the same title, and on the same system type. So original Diablo III on Xbox 360 will only interact with other Xbox 360 original Diablo III games, UEE players on Xbox One only interact with UEE Xbox One and so forth.
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