Avatar of Qurem #2387
Qurem #2387
''You've lost connection to the game''(1)Category: Technical SupportMarch-23-2016 1:46 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

I've been having a lot of problem lately... I can't go through 2 GR before I DC. ''You've lost connection to the server''. I usually play with friends and and we're in skype calls which doesn't get DC. Nothing gets DC except for the Diablo game I'm in. I'm returned to the main menu.

This hasn't happened in any other game and it still hasn't happened in any other game than Diablo...

Any idea?
Avatar of Delmoryth
''You've lost connection to the game''(2)March-23-2016 4:56 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello Qutem,

Please, check this article and follow all the steps (including advanced):

If the issue persists, please provide us with the following information so we can look into it:

- Details of issue:
- Date/time it started:
- City/Country:
- Internet Provider:
- Traceroute (right after a disconnection or whenever you're experiencing the issue)
- Pathping (right after a disconnection or whenever you're experiencing the issue)
- Looking Glass report (right after a disconnection or whenever you're experiencing the issue)

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