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taglag #1798
Set Items Question(1)Category: Technical SupportMarch-12-2016 6:17 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I bought this game day one. I learned to dislike the fact that I play mostly just single player, and lagging in a single player game is just not acceptable. So I will never buy the expansion, unless it becomes free. With that said.

I do sometimes enjoy the game, and when I feel like losing or redoing large sections of the game because of lag outs. I Load it up, ( which always takes quite a bit of time, what with the large downloads that have nothing to do with the game, and only pertain to the expansion, but I have to install anyway ) and play.

Point: Thing is I never made a Witch Doctor, or a Demon Hunter, so this time I decided I would make one of each of these characters.

I have finished the 4 acts of the actual game with the Witch Doctor, and have entered Act 3 with the Demon Hunter.

In all the grinding, and playing I have not encountered one Set Item. I mean even when the game was original I would ( very, very seldom,) encounter a useless set Item, but I have not seen even one, nor have I picked up any schematics to make any that I am aware of.

Is there something wrong with the Vanilla game, that does not allow the people that bought the game originally to get any set item's.

I have received a reasonable amount of Legendary Item's, and I am amazed that some of them are actually useful, and pertain to my character, which is nice.

On the demon hunter, I did not receive a Legendary Item From Magda or Beliel on the Demon Hunter, It seems Odd that bosses do not drop them, I thought one of the patches fixed that.

Any way the main thing I wanted to know is what had happened to the Set Item's ?

I hope I am wrong, but I am guessing that you just took them away from the game players, and only allow them for the Expansion owners.
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Set Items Question(2)March-12-2016 6:35 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello taglag,

Nothing has changed with regards of Set Items dropping for vanilla players. As far as I know they still drop, but as with everything in Diablo III, it's a matter of luck and randomness. Hope you get some soon!

If you have further feedback about the game, please refer to the General forum so you can discuss it with other players. That way our community team can gather the general sentiment of the community and pass it to the developers. The Technical support forum is intended for issues related to connection, performance, installation/patching, etc.

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