Avatar of Reijin #1815
Reijin #1815
finding "that one legendary"(1)Category: ItemsJanuary-9-2015 9:18 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I'm not sure about everyone else, but it sucks when your 1 item away from a build you want to use, and it just wont drop.

For me, that item is a Gyrfalcon. Been searching for one for months, and I probably only seen 5? legendary flails drop for me since easily last August, but after I got my first Thunderfury I had 4 drop within a week, Is just odd that drop rates are so skewed that you can literally never see an item you are aiming for.

Since we can't trade (something I think should be reverted, trading legendaries has always been a part of Diablo) Getting the legendaries we need has been put solely on our shoulders, which is fine, the drop rates allow for that, but it is almost impossible to seek out "that one item" which is frustrating. to say the least.
Avatar of Nevalistis
finding "that one legendary"(7)January-9-2015 5:47 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
We're making some changes to the rarity of some of the more difficult to find items (like Starmetal Kukri and The Furnace, as examples). In patch 2.1.2, the most rare items will be less rare than they are currently. Overall, such items will be easier to acquire than they were previously, though there will still be some Legendaries that remain more common.

There’s a few reasons for this change. First, as we continue to add more Legendaries to the loot pool, it makes all other items slightly more rare. Decreasing the rarity of the super-rare items helps combat this. Second, we also want you to be able to have that item you're chasing, especially if they're build defining. Finally, the addition of Ancient items adds another layer of rarity for items that are considered best in slot. While they should still take substantial effort to obtain, it’s a bit less daunting with this change.

If you'd like to hear the answer straight from associate game designer John Yang, check out our Legendary Workshop livestream VOD from this point.
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