Avatar of FishEngineer #1200
FishEngineer #1200
How dare you devs, how dare you. Borderline rediculous.(1)Category: GeneralJanuary-29-2015 9:04 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
How dare you kill cain with butterflies.

How dare you remove MF.

How dare you remove all customization.

How dare you spend your time on character dances.

How dare you act like all builds are viable with "play your way".

How dare you lie about arena PVP.

How dare you remove trade.

How dare you advertise mystic for vanilla but then sell her to us in ROS.

How dare you take months/years for such small updates.

How dare you let console so heavily influence PC version.

How dare you.
Avatar of Tyvalir
How dare you devs, how dare you. Borderline rediculous.(45)January-29-2015 2:38 PM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey guys! It’s cool to be passionate about the game, create discussions in order to solicit ideas from fellow players on how to improve it, and for others to respond in a respectful way with their own ideas. Unfortunately, this particular thread and the comments within are neither constructive nor respectful, so I'll be locking it up.

Just so we're clear, it's totally okay to post threads criticizing different aspects of the game. We only ask that your focus be on creating a constructive dialogue with your fellow players. For a few good examples of this in action, check out the following threads:

Just something to keep in mind for the future!
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