Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Treasure Goblin Glitch or Truth?
ElrobyGeneral8 years agoDiabolic420 #1105
Your net code is bad and you should feel bad.
ElrobyGeneral8 years agoGrape #1449
An Ode to Parenting.
ElrobyGeneral8 years agoMegaKat #1189
Diablo 3 Rocks!!! Just sayin'
ElrobyGeneral8 years agoTsunami #1779
Ability to hide weapons for monk?
ElrobyGeneral9 years agoTujag
How do I identify items?
ElrobyGeneral9 years agoGotaPresent #873
Should seasonally exclusive legendaries be a thing?
ElrobyGeneral9 years agoKuolleiden #1590
Aw3s0m0's smear campaign
ElrobyWizard9 years agoTealDawn #1499
Is Blizzard "done" with Diablo 3?
ElrobyGeneral10 years agoRokman #1183
[Fjord Cutter] Still Bugged Since RoS Release
ElrobyBug Reports10 years agoSenbon #1422
Wanna stop the In game Economy from crashing?
ElrobyGeneral10 years agoPandaStew #1247
ElrobyTechnical Support10 years agoKitten #1706
Down with RiF!!! It is blantant EXPLOIT
ElrobyGeneral10 years agoGrailer #1417
BOA or Rift Closing most frustrating thing in ROS?
ElrobyGeneral10 years agoJOHN #12280
Unrealistic Expectations
ElrobyGeneral10 years agoGraystone #1355
Fix the 3000/h bloodshards T6 lvl1 rifts
ElrobyGeneral10 years agoGrim #2182
Feedback for Diablo Somepage