Avatar of Tyvalir
Notice: PTR Realm Maintenance (7/31)(1)Category: PTR FeedbackJuly-30-2015 3:33 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey everyone,

We are bringing the PTR realms down for a short maintenance on July 31st, which will begin at 9 AM PDT, and which is expected to last about 4 hours.

Please keep an eye on this thread for updates as they become available. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and thank you for your diligent testing!
Avatar of Tyvalir
Notice: PTR Realm Maintenance (7/31)(2)July-31-2015 1:14 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Update 1:14 pm PDT:

Maintenance has concluded and the PTR is now available.
[Post edited one time, last edit by Tyvalir at July-31-2015 1:45 PM PDT (9 years ago)]
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