Avatar of Grahf #2497
Grahf #2497
High latency after maintenance(1)Category: Technical SupportSeptember-15-2016 4:43 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi everyone, me and some of my friends of different regions are getting high latency after the maintenance. In about 2 days there is no fix about this. Can you give me please some ETA or at least give some info about the problem? Thank you
Avatar of Kiemmaki
High latency after maintenance(2)September-15-2016 5:56 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello Grahf,

Can you run a pathping and a traceroute to pastebin.com and give me the link here? So that i can have a look?

Kind regards

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